Changing musical taste? Is that even possible?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Oct 20, 2017.

  1. I listen to rap in my native language. They talk about drugs, guns, violence, woman, sex, money etc. I don't know why I can't stop listening to such music, it just sounds good to me even tho I know the lyrics are bad. I once listened to punk & rock but because of new friends I moved to rap.

    Can I change my musical taste? Should I just force myself to listen to other stuff? Help :(

    It's no option to avoid music because I absolutely love music.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Forgot to mention it's not like the music you hear in america currently. It's storytelling. Mostly rappers who talk about a tough childhood, moving to drugs to cope with it, getting into bad friendships. You know what I mean..
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Watchtower

    Watchtower Fapstronaut

    You can definitely get into some different genres. I like some rap too but agree that a ton of the lyrics are morally egregious. Maybe try different Pandora stations for something that might interest you?

    I'm not terribly well versed in either group, but I think you'd like Jurassic 5 or The Roots. They are rap but I think a lot cleaner than most groups and The Roots have cool instrumentals
  4. What is Pandora?

    My goal is to move away from rap. Even if I listen to rap with good lyrics it will lead to me listening to the same type of music I do currently.
  5. Harpsichord

    Harpsichord Fapstronaut

    As far as I know (and especially for avid listeners), musical tastes are a complex thing that often tie into other aspects of your life. I thought myself that Bach was boring until I learned some music history, and now I listen to some of his pieces. For a few years I listened to music from the 50s and 60s, while I was often feeling nostalgic and was more interested in vintage stuff (cars for example).
    So I think it useful not to view music (and tastes for it) as totally separate from your social or cultural environment. I imagine you could try to get a taste of the culture or ideas in or around a genre of music as you discover the music itself. If you can relate to the culture, you might relate to the music more easily.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Watchtower

    Watchtower Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Sorry, there’s no way you can change it. Unfortunately you were born with the rap/hip-hop genre gene and so you’re stuck having to listen to it for the rest of your life.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    You'll eventually outgrow rap music.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    "Outgrow" good God, it's music just like any other, not satan's crap

    Also yes, it's totally possible. I hated Heavy Metal, Jazz Fusion, Funk, Radiohead, The Pixies and Nirvana before, and look at me now.

    That's because it probably DOES sound good. And if it sounds good, it's good. Just stop worrying if lyrics talk about those things. It's music. As long as you don't support the artist. Also, don't know about you, but in my country there are several rap artists who talk about entirely different things.

    Anyway try these

    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Markant

    Markant Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I would like to give you another view as most people here seem to think that you are born with a certain music taste. I have seen a TED talk the other day about how music is a mix between anticipating and being surprised by something new. Right now you are into rap. You can anticipate what is coming next and when that anticipation is fulfilled you feel happy and like that music.

    I wouldn't forcefully listen to songs you don't like the whole time but just let it run in the background while you do stuff and get used to it. I agree that there are certain genres you definitely won't like but at the same time I don't think that you'll just like rap for the rest of your life.

    Here's the TED talk btw:

    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    music is biggest spoiler .
    avoid it as much as u can .
  12. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

  13. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    sorry to say it.
    but this is my observation, to kids or teenagers, avoiding tv/movie/ music helps a lot.
  14. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    I agree on TV, I can see your point on movies, but music?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Lot's of religions teach this but I can't agree
  16. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    Hey, don't do that completely. There is some amazing rap hidden in the wall of mediocrity it the rap scene is now. Hip Hop protest songs for example. I know two really awesome rap artists you'd pprobably love but, unless you have some familiarity with italian/don't mind foreign language lyrics, it's gonna be hard for you to get into them
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. No, they don’t. A lot of religions teach people to have common sense and a better judgment of the music content they listen to, which is the same fucking thing you’re just now coming to realize is important, so you do agree with religions and their approach towards music.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. @Son of a Bitch Dude I don't know why you have so much negativity inside of you and why you feel the need to spread it. You're life must have been really shitty and I feel sorry for you.

    Every post you do is insulting, negative or something in that direction.
  19. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    No offense but it is satan's crap. Wether you believe it or not. Today's music is filled with subliminal and mostly non-subliminal sexual vulgar messages that your subconcious mind absorbs like a sponge. And I can tell you, lots of people outgrow this stuff, but you can't know buddy, you're 15. #MyOpinion
