Post published by Jamesi7

Hi guys. This is a confession. About 3 weeks ago, i fell to the temptation of porn and masturbation. About a week or two before that, the Lord clearly told me that i had to confess on this forum every time i stumbled. At the time I stumbled three weeks ago, i felt so much pain and shame that i couldn't get myself to confess publicly on this forum. Since that time, he has had me on a journey of deliverance and it has been a blast! But today, I felt the Lord say in order for me to go the next level of my deliverance journey, i had to confess about the last time i fell. I had to follow through with the instructions He gave me. I think He's working on breaking the hold of shame on my life. Shame has held me down for a long time and I thank Him for his grace and mercy that He is teaching me to overcome this stronghold. And on that note, ill end this confession by saying, keep fighting guys! Remember that you're not only fighting for yourselves, but for your families and for your future life partners. Each one of us is here on a mission. We were created for a specific God given purpose. We are all pieces to a puzzle and the puzzle will not be completed if we don't play our part. Think beyond yourself. Think of every person that God has put you on this planet to impact, and then think of every person they might impact because of you. Your life has a ripple effect. Let these thoughts be your strength in the face of temptation. Sacrifice the urge to give into temptation because living in sin diminishes our faith, and therefore our walk with God. Remember that you are here for others and not just for yourself. The battle you are fighting now is not just for you but for hundreds, thousands and maybe even millions of people out there that you are meant to impact through your life time. Thats what the enemy is fighting for. Think for example when Jesus was tempted by satan. If Jesus gave into the temptations that satan threw his way, he would have traded all salvation for all of humanity!! As a spirit filled believer, i know your heart is in doing good and helping humanity. Don't let sin keep your focus on you. Think beyond yourself, but keep your focus on Jesus. Be quick to ask Him to give you strength in the face of temptation. BE VERY QUICK! Be blessed people. Hope you have an amazing day! Remember that Jesus is always there for you no matter how you may feel. Take care and God bless! [Please Read Romans Chapter 12.] Thank you.
MrPrince more_vert
Thanks for this encouraging post
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