Post published by DJS

Znowu upadłem z mojej winy.... Czuję się źle nie mam sił wstać z łóżka a mam dziś zajęcia. Nie chcę w tym trwać bo wiem że nie warto.
Dobrego dnia. W tym świętym czasie nawracania się....
CPilot more_vert
It is so very much worth it! The bible is replete with stories sinners whom God repaired and used for great things. Abraham was guilty of denying his marriage to Sarah and offerring her to be used by other men, just to save his own neck. St. Peter denied Christ three times despite the privilege of walking beside Him for three years. St. Augustine was a constant sinner of the flesh but through 15 years of prayers by his mother, St. Monica, he became one of our greatest saints. We are all broken but none of us is beyond repair.
DJS and Mara43 like this.
Mara43 more_vert
I hope you feel better now.
Ask God for forgiveness, make your purpose of amendment and go to confess. God loves you!
Mam nadzieję, że teraz czujesz się lepiej.
Poproś Boga o przebaczenie, uczyń swój cel poprawki i idź do wyznania. Bóg cię kocha!
(Google translator)
DJS likes this.