Post published by Day walker

30+ days today - Thank u Lord
Morning Disciplines :
Hallow App
Exodus 90 App
try-humble more_vert
What was the most helpful think to be clean 30days
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Day walker more_vert
Day walker
Getting up each morning and spending time in the word - but I will say that listening to the word through the hallow app had more of an effect on me than just reading for whatever reason - I’m tapping slowly into mediating on Gods word too and the hallow app has helped with that as well - one other thing that helps for me is to do these about 10 min after I wake up - I replaced news and other tv shows for biblical guidance through these apps first thing in the morning which is when I’m generally more open and susceptible to God
Myfortress, Tao Jones and CPilot like this.
PatrickJames more_vert
@Day walker ...I had a very similar experience. I replaced looking at social media and news in the morning with lectures on YT Christian inspiration channels, my favorite being "Grace for Purpose". We are fortunate to have a lot of resources available to us, to help us put God first.
Day walker more_vert
Day walker
@PatrickJames amen to that - I keep saying to myself that I’ve used my phone so many years for evil and sin, now it’s time to shock the devil and use this awesome technology for exalting God instead of sin
try-humble and PatrickJames like this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
And, if required, ditching the phone altogether is also always an option. We commit to doing whatever it takes to break free and remain free from sin and death.
F14 more_vert
I’m considering getting a dumb phone personally. I think smart phones offer may more negative than positive. Even without P they take our attention from reality and it’s too easy to just get lost in. I think there is good stuff like YouTube theologians. Even with those moderation is good and the excessive access with smartphones does not encourage moderation.
CPilot more_vert
Pardon the pun but in all seriousness, getting a dumb phone sounds smart! I agree, smart phones can be a huge distraction.
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