Post published by a j

hi friends today i start my NoFap journey
i really need motivation to achieve my goal
help me with some link of motivational videos
Viijay likes this.
Prashanh4321 more_vert
This forum is best to get motivated.
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Prashanh4321 more_vert
Keep a journal write your daily thoughts. Triggers. When n where u r slipping. Make sure learn from yesterday mistakes. Learn from others mistakes as well.
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Viijay more_vert
hii brother first of all make a firm decision to quit it. do meditation, exercise daily. for more useful post you will find it on "pinned post"
Coffee Candy and quit@porn like this.
a j more_vert
a j
thnx a lot for ur support and advices
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a j more_vert
a j
thnx for ur support
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a j more_vert
a j
tell me one thing i can stop watching porn but how to stop that unnecessary bad thoughts please give me advise
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ANameThatStartsWithK more_vert
Hey Aj have you started to the thread I shared. Its the first comment for your post. Your question is answered there and everyother question as well. Referring from that thread - Brainwash your self with daily and dedicated reading of the reboot information , success stories, reboot forum subjects and logs. Just like a filthy cloth needs to be washed. Our x rated mind needs to be brainwashed (brainwash in itself is a neutral term) with daily reading of Nofap information. Imagine the intensity of the p that you have watched with the same intensty read the Nofap information and educate and rewire. I am struggling in doing the same brother.
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ANameThatStartsWithK more_vert
*started to read the thread
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quit@porn more_vert
@a j best strategy I'd to educate yourself... That means read and watch as much about porn addition.... Whenever you are weak say in morning or night time( in my case) don't use the platform u use form watching porn( I keep my mobile out of reach) for this u will have to analise your habit and cues....
quit@porn more_vert
Then doing positive counter like exercise and reading like stuff will help... Read the website your brain at porn you will get great stuff also go through success stories of nofap. And also be active on forum this helps to curb urges ( in my case)
quit@porn more_vert
Rset is you will have to formulate your own strategy. Best luck keep fighting don't give up
kelsiermistborn more_vert
Build your willpower. Do it anyhow you think you can. Take challenges, get busy. Motivational videos can only take you so far. The shining light rests within you. Shine on. Live free.
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