Post published by ThunderTiger

He brothers.and sisters, I need help. I've been trying to quit porn cold turkey for 8 years, I've been an addict for 10. I'm thinking about weening off the addiction instead, I found a big of progress in the past. I don't know the right move forward between cold turkey or weening off the addiction. I've prayed for this before. I just don't know anymore. Please respond.
rachitmunjal and Toni7 like this.
Toni7 more_vert
Weening of? What does that mean?
UpyetDown more_vert
I know what you mean. I've done the weening off before. So like shorter streaks of sobriety and moving up to a longer one.
Sean Edie more_vert
Sean Edie
I've tried to just m but it always leads to p. Same with trying to only do soft core, it always ends up leading to harder stuff
PatrickJames more_vert
Focus on Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is our healer, our redeemer, our saviour. Spend time with Him. Pray. Read His Word. Praise Him. Listen to sermons. Believe in Him. Believe He wants to heal you. Your belief in Him will change you. One day at a time.
RedeemedIowan more_vert
I’m not sure if weening off would hurt. How have you tried quitting cold turkey?
Myfortress more_vert
You have to stop it all together. Weaning leaves room to keep the sin and have the illusion of control. Your cannot leave room for it in your life it is pervasive.
ThunderTiger and Toni7 like this.