Post published by Gods_princess

just read a lot of chapters of a novel which had erotic and occult content. I prayed to God for forgiveness. It was a really dark novel.
I want to come to the point where I really hate sin... I don’t understand why I make the same mistake again and again and lemme tell ya I’m the worst sinner... I made so many mistakes... Lust is so difficult to deal with especially combined with feelings of loneliness and being worthless.
Virginpaul more_vert
You are not worthless, you are God's creation. Flawed with man's sinful nature but you are trying to come to grips with that. You are fighting the good fight. Know it says that "you are wonderfully and powerfully made"... Sin exists to lead us to our savior... You admit your sinful nature and rest with Christ for your salvation in Fait, through His grace. Love you! Paul
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Your words echo Romans 7. Maybe re-reading Romans 6-8 will be an encouragement to you? You are not the first to feel they are the chief of all sinners. How can those so wretched as we are be set free from sin and self and constantly turning towards pain and death?
Oremus more_vert
Jesus is called the Divine Physician so you can rest assured that, like a good doctor, He positions Himself as close as possible to the most sick in order to bring them to healing and health. The other part of this doctor patient relationship is our openess to be lead by our good doctor. I mean if you were told by your doctor that you had a deadly peanut allergy, would go fill your house with peanut butter and make a sandwich? No, most certainly not. Rid you life and home of these novels and give them no place in your life.
Knighthawk, intso, Tao Jones and 4 others like this.
Gods_princess more_vert
Thanks for the encouragement. @Virginpaul, I needed to hear that sin exists to lead me to our savior.
Gods_princess more_vert
@Tao Jones, I also thought about those words of Paul and really felt them in the moment after the relapse. Going back to sin is really like hurting yourself. I talked to my counselor about the parallel between PMO and self harm.
Gods_princess more_vert
@Oremus, it’s been a novel on my smartphone. I got an ad on Facebook for it where I could read the beginning of the book and got hooked quickly as I read through the pages.
intso, Virginpaul and Uvuvwevwevwe like this.
Oremus more_vert
@Gods_princess smartphones are so difficult...some times I call them sinphones because it's just so easy to sin with them. You might have to look into removing Facebook or installing a browser that works to eliminate ads and pictures. Maybe not forever but at least while you begin your journey. At the end of the day you have to ask which thing do you want more....access to Facebook or access to a healthy relationship with God? Yes, that sounds easier than done but it's possible to do and worth it.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Some of us have had to give up smart phones, at least for a period of time. We commit to doing whatever is required to get and stay free. Freedom will cost us something. It is worth any price.
CPilot, Knighthawk, intso and 4 others like this.