Post published by Dioplleo_547

Interest in conversion
Hello everyone I hope you are doing okay this morning, I am interested in converting to Catholicism once Quarantine ends but in order to do that I must ensure that I am free from any sexual sins I have committed through porn addiction. Note: I am not Catholic yet but I am very interested in converting to this religion. So if you guys could help me and my self stay accountable. So I may one day embrace the Holiness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into my body thus repenting myself of any evil.
HelpMe81 more_vert
No need to be free of sin beforehand, our Lord Jesus Christ is waiting for all of us to come home. RCIA is your route and we are here to support you on your journey. God Bless my friend.
ADMG more_vert
I like your desire, @Diopileo_547, but be careful of the hidden pride that is lurking there... the thought process of "I need to fix myself before I can go/return to God" is a dangerous one that we can all fall into. It keeps many Catholics from going to Confession, for instance. We need to remind ourselves that God's mercy reaches us where ever we are at, and He wants to be the one to fix us. When we choose to rely on ourselves rather than God, the thoughts and emotions leading to that are usually being used by the devil to keep us from God.
puius8435 more_vert
God Bless and welcome to the Church, we need you! Let me know how I can help. Prayers for you and please pray for me.
HelpMe81 and Swazzy 1 like this.
CPilot more_vert
Jesus came to call sinners! Catholicism is a beautiful Christian faith and partaking in its holy sacraments is like loading your rocket with fuel to reach heaven. However, no Catholic, including the Pope is perfect. Even the saints committed sin although much, much less than most of us. Striving for freedom from sin is true freedom but don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen on your time schedule and don't let it stop you from becoming Catholic. In my case, the sacraments of Confession and Communion and spending time in blessed adoration fill me with hope and joy. Join us and feel your soul soar!
Gallade_Templar likes this.
NBTT more_vert
"The Church is not a hotel for saints, it is a hospital for sinners" - St Augustine
Gallade_Templar likes this.
NBTT more_vert
"When you fail to measure up to your Christian privilege, be not discouraged for discouragement is a form of pride. The reason you are sad is because you looked to yourself and not to God; to your failings not to His love. You will shake off your faults more readily when you love God than when you criticize yourself. You have always the right to love Him in your heart even though you do not love him in your acts. God is biased in your favor. God is more lenient than you because he is perfectly good and therefore loves you more. Be bold enough then to believe that God is on your side, even when you forget to be on His. - Fulton J Sheen