Post published by Dubiousfiancee

Hello. I am very new here, and would very much welcome your views.
I am the SO of a wonderful man. He's kind, smart, witty, and addict.
Approx 6 months ago I fell asleep next to him, as per usual. As per usual, he wasn't keen on sex. But unlike usual, I woke up around 01.30am. As I opened my eyes I saw him watching porn and masturbating in bed, just next to me. This broke me. I wanted to call the wedding off. I felt cheated, humiliated, betrayed, and completely insecure.

He admitted he was using porn since his early teens (he's 36 now), promised he'd stop, and said I should trust him. He didn't want to talk much about it. I had to take a gamble and prayed he'd stop indeed. We went through counselling (3 sessions), just enough for me to take a leap of faith and keep the wedding on.

Fast forward 6 months and I stumble on his porn again. I feel terribly disapointed, and angry. Most importantly I fear I may not be able to believe him/trust him ever again. The wedding is in 6 weeks time, and everything is ready, of course. I am freaking out. We both are religious, the wedding will be Catholic. When I think he was using porn as we went through the whole religious wedding preparation, I simply want to vomit.

I expressed that I needed him to completely stop porn. Not for 1 week or 1 month. Forever. I asked for him to activate the parental control on our internet network, and he did. I bought a couple of books related to the issue, and he has started reading one of them. In spite of that, I am struggling to believe that this time around he takes the issue seriously and will do everything in his power to recover.

Shall I marry someone I am struggling to trust?
I feel disrespected and cheated when he uses porn (and lies about it): shall I marry someone who I don't feel respected by?
Porn aside, he is a wonderful man, and I hope I will soon feel love again for him. Shall I ignore the hurt and focus on his good sides, hoping that things will get better over time?
I have not talked to anyone about this: if we were to call the wedding off, how can I explain to friends and family that we are cancelling and yet protect/respect my fiance?

Sorry for the long blurb. I am quite lost and would welcome views of men, women, SOs and rebooters alike.
PaleAle76 likes this.
Zyn more_vert
Hi. I see, so he doesn't find it easy to talk and may not be very creative in tackling his problems.
Zyn more_vert
But it sounds like you're quite open minded. I'm surprised you offered to watch porn with him. I think that's great. So you're not completely against porn. So what is it that bothers you so much about his habit?
Zyn more_vert
I tried giving up porn, masturbation and orgasm all at one and if was very very difficult and created new problems I think. I think a more gradual process could be helpful. At the moment I've given up porn but not masturbation.
Zyn more_vert
I'm trying to limit masturbation and do it differently. I'm also doing other things to try to understand my libido better and relate to it in a different way.
Zyn more_vert
I think the focus needs to be on the negative consequences of the addictive behaviour and taking steps to reduce those. Addictive behaviour is compulsive and removing compulsive behaviour completely may not be possible.
Zyn more_vert
Skillful moderation is key I think. Easier said than done!
Dubiousfiancee more_vert
@Zyn. I am not against porn (only against some abuse, most commonly against women, in the industry), not against masturbation. But I am against the consequences of porn when it becomes an addiction.
Dubiousfiancee more_vert
I am against being with someone that finds no interest in real life sex, someone who lies repeatedly about what he does, when and where, etc. etc. How am I meant to trust him and be fulfilled?
clairecsx, brokennomore and Eve26 like this.
Dubiousfiancee more_vert
Mind you, had I fully grasped the consequences of porn and addiction, I would not have offered to watch that together - it would not have helped him. Somewhat glad he turned the offer down. I wish he could simply agree to stop, forever.
Eve26 more_vert
But rememberthat here, as in so many other areas of life, you tend to get what you bargain for.
as a young woman who disregard yourpotential mate’s struggles withpornography, think again.
Eve26 more_vert
If you want a vital, healthy marriage, choose only individuals of integrity as potential mates. If, on the other hand, you’re relatively unconcerned about issues like infidelity, feel free to lower the bar.
brokennomore likes this.
Eve26 more_vert
A situation like this is marital misery in the making. Unless your boyfriend is ready to getserious about dealing with his problem, it’s time to put on the brakes. Marriage will not fix the problem. It will only complicate matters and increase your pain
brokennomore likes this.
Eve26 more_vert
Check out this thread... even PAs wouldn't have married. I don't think a single person would have knowing porn was present
Eve26 more_vert
Hopefully he can get the help he needs and you two can move forward but it He is not willing to then it's pretty much an emotional death sentence
brokennomore likes this.
Eve26 more_vert
Sorry to be so matter of fact but it is a very serious issue that you should not allow him to ignore before he says I do
brokennomore and Dubiousfiancee like this.
Dubiousfiancee more_vert
@Eve26 - again, thank you. I very much value your opinion, and deep down agree with you, should wait for him to be steadily in recovery before considering marrying him.
Dubiousfiancee more_vert
I don't want to give up on him as he genuinely is a great guy, and I love him. We have talked about what he'd be ready to do to enter recovery. Sadly he refuses to enter therapy of any sort - he's only keen on blocking all porn and do some mindfulness.
Dubiousfiancee more_vert
I believe both are helpful, but insufficient to properly tackle the addiction. As a result, I am more firmly considering the wedding.
Dubiousfiancee more_vert
You say it'd be an emotional death sentence, and I sense it. I don't think I'd cope if I had to tell myself that I knew the pain, yet agreed to it...
Eve26 likes this.