Post published by LonelyStrength

Hello everyone, tomorrow Ill be committing myself for 40 day fasting, Feb 26 through the April 5, I say this if anyone wants to join as well and you can fast on what ever things you want to, and have prayer and discussion, I also could use the help and support, Ill will make a forum in the christian group so look for it if you wanna join! thanks guys
Looking4Freedom more_vert
God bless you during this time!
LonelyStrength likes this.
frogs2345 more_vert
I wish you luck and strength. Remember that God is your strength while your body is weak. Remember to pray and read scripture when you would normally be eating. Never forget that fasting is a way of honoring God and should be a joy as you rely on God's strength instead of your own.
AdmiralSnakbar more_vert
Is a 40 day fast even possible? Or is this not a total fast. (In a total fast, you can't eat at all). Just wanted to get some clarification
Looking4Freedom more_vert
@LonelyStrength I'll be joining you for the 40 days
LonelyStrength likes this.
Looking4Freedom more_vert
@AdmiralSnakbar it's not a complete fast. The only two people I know who did a complete fast for 40 days were Moses and Jesus, and I think those were supernaturally sustained fasts because the body normally needs water within a 4-7 days I believe and food/nutrients within a month. Always consult your doctor on fasting if you have medical conditions.
Tao Jones likes this.