Post published by Saline

Fellow Roman Catholics,

While some might see our religious views on pornography and masturbation as old-fashioned, refraining from sex outside of marriage can be an uplifting thing.

I learned to masturbate early, and became interested in porn as the years went by. Soon, the activities became intertwined when a female partner was not available.

I have had a roller coaster experience with chastity. I believe in it, but cannot seem to practice it.

This website is the first of its kind. I am trying to maintain a positive belief that I can reboot and return to a healthy sexuality.
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hillmountain more_vert
Chastity is one of the keys to true marital happiness...
Kevoya likes this.
hillmountain more_vert
Chastity is one of the keys to great marital happiness... In that sense, it is ok if the most positive things... One saves himself/herself mentally and physically for his/her only beloved... That makes sex within marriage very special... Jay sleeping around and having casual hookups cheapens sex and decreases the bonding ability of it... It reduces sex to being another cheap pleasure, rather than the wonderful self giving it is...
Kevoya likes this.
hillmountain more_vert
Even those atheists who mocked the Church's forbidding porn, masturbation etc will all be eating their words as the epidemic of porn addiction becomes much more widespread....
Kevoya likes this.
hillmountain more_vert
And premarital sex has many negative effects... It leads to a reduced capacity for bonding in relationships (since it makes sex just something for pleasure, rather than the total union within marriage) , it leads to making comparisons with previous sex partners, and thus can lead to souring and hurt within the relationship...
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