Post published by Warrior and seeker of TRUTH

Thoughts on remorse vs repentance? My husband was a really devoted 'Christian.' He is working really hard in recovery, and while he doesn't fully reject God, he doesn't go there much. Words like, "I prayed, and prayed. I really believed God would take care of this..." It is confusing, so he doesn't really go there. I see him stuck with changes in his heart. I don't know. Please pray for him.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Remorse is feeling bad about something. Repentance is actually turning away from it and toward God, leaving it behind to pursue him. Who are your husband's Christian community that he is engaged with as part of his recovery? Long-term recovery is never a solo event. I will be praying!
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Hopingforfreedom more_vert
Praying for "God to take care of it" is not necessarily the correct action. If he thinks God will just 'remove' something that will stop him, that's not the correct thinking either. As Tao pointed out above, REPENTANCE is an actual 'action', requiring someone to 'make a decision', to TURN away, not look back like Lot's wife did. Clean house... meaning get rid of access to whatever. God IS answering everyone of his prayers, he is just looking for the wrong action he thinks God will take. When you TURN from something, you put your BACK to it and you should be 'facing' God, when you are remorseful you are 'facing' you sin.
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Hopingforfreedom more_vert
I meant "facing UP to your sin"
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Warrior and seeker of TRUTH more_vert
Warrior and seeker of TRUTH
Ya, he isn't really engaged with a Christian community anymore since he embraced 'recovery.' Says he has so much stuff to work on without bringing in all of the confusion and pain that he has around Christianity. -Thanks for the prayers
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Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Well, *we* could be that group for him! The invitation is always extended to him, @Warrior and seeker of TRUTH .
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Hopingforfreedom more_vert
YEAH... What he said!!!!
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