Post published by dalomonze

How do you create a sucessful NoFap journey while being married? Is the goal to abstain from sexual desires or just to avoid the pornography and masterbation? #finallyAskingformyself
Collj01 more_vert
I would think that in your case it's just abstaining from porn and masturbation. Unless you feel you need to go awhile without sex and in which case that is something to be worked out between you and your wife.
dalomonze likes this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
I never did a full reboot without O, as I have been married on my entire recovery journey. maybe this has slowed down my progress; I do not know. My commitments are to no P, no P-subs, no M, no sexual thinking of any kind outside the physical presence of my wife and directed only toward her, and O only with her. That seems to be for me the path I need to stay on for the rest of my life.
CBAWSS, 007malone and dalomonze like this.
Collj01 more_vert
Yeah man I believe in you. Just take it one day at a time. You got this
dalomonze likes this.
dalomonze more_vert
@Tao Jones Thanks for that. All comments have been helpful but this one the most relevant. I was exposed to pornography really young and then exposed to sex really young and things have always been so twisted in my view of women. Although I treated them passively and never forced myself its still difficult to not see them sexually when there is something about a particular person that sexually attractive. I love my wife whole heartedly, haven't cheated in our 9 years but ive looked lustfully and internalized it. How have you conditioned yourself to not see anyone sexually?
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Time and practice. I follow the FREEdom process for mental discipline. Ridding myself of all P-subs has greatly helped keep my mind pure. Today, if a sexual thought pops up, I immediately put it through my biblical filter and dismiss the lie of it with the Truth of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5 - "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
dalomonze and CBAWSS like this.
Collj01 more_vert
No I haven't. I'm working on it tho. One thing that does help me is just realizing that they are human just like I am human. They think, feel, and have insecurities just like I do. And it wasn't fair of me to put them in a position of perfection or as better than me. Not that it isn't natural to be attracted to the opposite sex. That's normal, but it's unfair when we take away their flaws. So that's where I'm at currently. I still struggle with PMO, but each time I do better than the last.