Post published by Get behind me Satan

Please reply by sharing your stories of self-denial to encourage your fellow Catholic brothers:

A few years back I lived in shared accommodation. There was a girl who lived there and we got to know each other. She was (still is) very attractive. I was in her room one night and after some time of familiarity our intimacy lead to us having 'dry sex' - I was disappointed in myself as I had no intention of doing this but was a fool for being in her room. I know I sound robotic here with my language, I'm trying not to embellish in detail or stir up lust, but I'll not lie it felt so good. She was gagging for real sex I'm sure of it. I disengaged from our moment 'intimacy', i.e. I left the room after telling her I didn't want it to happen for spiritual reasons (she understood my reasons as she was also a Christian - though it's not what she wanted to hear). In time she went cold on me and the relationship fizzled out, but I continued to grow spiritually as a result. Sometimes I think about that time and how pleasurable it felt; I see her profile on Facebook and feel like I could 'pick up where we left off' but what good would that do me spiritually speaking?!
NeverDawn more_vert
I am a virgin, and never plan on having sex. As a Catholic who happens to agree with Church teaching on the matter of human sexuality (
NeverDawn more_vert
I happen to have SSA, and therefore will never get to engage in any form of sexual enjoyment. It is particularly trying, because I wanted a family and wife. I still do. But, with SSA, you must stay celibate. It's the only way.