Post published by Aj2

hi guys!
its been 10 years to me doing fapping. I'm really so concern about this addiction. many times i tried but,,,max. 14 days hi control kr paya and again relapsed.

It's been 5days now doing NoFap. I'm so worried ki fir se relapse na ho jaye..
please help me guys!

mayank_saurabh and Sachi like this.
Aj2 more_vert
Please help me guys...please
u376 likes this.
TheIndianVegeta more_vert
Dude i have been in same boat max streak i had was 35 days. I can only suggest about upto 35 days journey rest we have to do it together.
Aj2 likes this.
Aj2 more_vert
thanks bro.... anyhow I'm gonna do it for 35 days...this time with rigid and clear mindset..
TheIndianVegeta more_vert
Here are few points:
1. Note down the time during which you do it and triggers
2. Cut off the trigger if its movies trust me for few days cut the movies watch documentary or animated movies instead
3. Make your self busy : Study cycling gym sports (Avoid video games as they create instant gratification)
4. Socialize more use laptop and pc when someone is around you
5. Avoid bathing with phone shitting with phone sleeping with phone
6. Exhaust your phone battery and daily internet data limit by 8 o clock(Dont very you are not us president to that entire world is waiting for you in social media)
Aj2 likes this.
Aj2 more_vert
Thank you so much for the suggestions!!
TheIndianVegeta likes this.