Post published by Mr. McMarty

emanuel_free more_vert
Great man of God! And beautiful quote! I'm reading one of his books on prayer it's a short one "Does prayer change things?" And the one on how to study the bible is simply awesome.
Mr. McMarty more_vert
Mr. McMarty
Then you are reformed?
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strakatastic more_vert
This is so true. Are we committing to purity for God or for our gain? I love Sproul, by the way (I’m partially reformed with a bit of a dispy eschatology [historical millennialism])
Deleted Account and Mr. McMarty like this.
EquitableMove more_vert
Have you guys heard of Beautiful Eulogy? They made a song that I think applies to your question @strakatastic I do believe that behind every decision we make there is a little bit of selfishness involved. Hard to know when its your own ambition or for God's. I hope to continue growing in the Spirit and develop that gift of discernment.
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freedom eagle more_vert
freedom eagle
God hears the drunkerds cry better than a Hallelujah sometimes-Amy Grant,He remembers thegood more than the bad,so love!