Post published by Human v2.0

I have relapsed 16 times this year.
Guys, there's only one rule that works, only one.... ZERO TOLERANCE. Seriously, I have fallen for everything my brains tricks me into, there are some really reasonable excuses just to google something that later on leads me to sP GIFs and then to touch myself.
But please, if you ever detect your brain tricking you, just laught about it and move on, don't panic, don't worry, just laugh and tell your brain "gotcha!" and move on.
Restoringlinkinfamilychain more_vert
It's easier said than done. What has worked for you to build up that kind of willpower?
Human v2.0 more_vert
Human v2.0
My best motivator has been... (could be a bit triggering) to picture myself in women clothes... just lame, that just doesn't work.
Human v2.0 more_vert
Human v2.0
Also excercise and meditation, that helps a lot.
Restoringlinkinfamilychain more_vert
Interestingly I recently started working out regularly and my willpower to fight these sissy thoughts has declined. Before working out, I had great, growing willpower over the last year. I hope that with time my "results" from working out will give me a healthier sense of my own masculinity.
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