Post published by clydevulcan

Well... i relapsed after 56 days. Prayers appreciated. Im ok and trying to stay positive. Last thing I want to do is wallow in shame and guilt.
Frijelkyro likes this.
Surfing Poet more_vert
Surfing Poet
Yes, don't wallow in guilt and shame. Get back up and try again, and even if you fall again keep getting back up!
clydevulcan and Greyborne like this.
Trevorphilipz more_vert
It takes time and effort to get the body accustomed to the tapering off of sexual release/stimuli. Don't feel bad or guilty. Just remember that it takes time and effort to do this. No one can quit PMO cold turkey. Give yourself a break.
clydevulcan, Boyersr and Greyborne like this.
The Wrestler more_vert
The Wrestler
56 days is awesome! That's a great streak! Celebrate what you have accomplished. What helped you get this far? What have you learned about yourself and your sexuality in the last 56 days?
clydevulcan and Deleted Account like this.
getbackincontroldamn more_vert
Look at the half full part of the glass, 56 is already in the second half of the 90 days. Next time your resolve will be greater.
Boyersr and Deleted Account like this.
clydevulcan more_vert
What worked was keeping this website up on my computer at all times. Staying busy, staying in the truth. Thanks guys
Boyersr and Trevorphilipz like this.