Post published by toby gee

Hello Able Men,

I wanna ask a question and its been baffling me, and i appreciate that this is a christian group.. So some of us might have had sex with a prostitute before, which will all know its a sexual sin to God and ourselves too like PMO and we've stopped doing it.
But i notice I feel a lotta guilt for a while when I pmo and i even see it as a big sin to God and i get so annoyed with myself for doing this


when i had sex with a prostitute or someone who is not my girlfriend(or not in a relationship with me) which is also a sin to God and our body. I do not seem to feel any much guilt when i do this but i just know i commited a sin and I will now look for a way to appease unto God and i just forget about it that day.

But pmo is different, the sense of guilt stick with you for a long while.

Please why is this so? Any comment from your point of view is accepted brethren.

Thanks in advance for your replies.
Johnnybgud3 and José Bonaparte like this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Our feelings of guilt cannot be relied upon to be accurate or helpful. Guilt, shame, and condemnation are not from the Spirit; they all originate within us or from our enemy. The Spirit will convict you of wrongdoing, show you a way out, and provide strength to take it; and the Spirit's conviction will be consistent. If you pay attention, you will find that the Spirit is speaking to us all the time about what we are doing and who we are. Take your focus off of the flesh (guilt, feelings, etc.) and place it on the Spirit's "still, small voice" instead. I am praying for you to find in Christ the freedom he has freely given you.
Trevorphilipz more_vert
To be perfectly honest with you guys, I don't think I've ever felt guilty after using pmo. I don't even have addiction to porn, I see porn as a means to an end, a tool and nothing more. I realized a few years ago that pmo is wrong and since then, I've been trying to stop. It has not ban an easy road, that's for sure.
toby gee likes this.
toby gee more_vert
toby gee
thank you Mr Tao for your kind advice