Post published by Mystery Man

Today is the first day I actually noticed some benefits from NoFap. It is currently day 6.
There has been a shift in the way I desire porn. What I mean is, porn no longer is my idol. I would worship it and pray to it. I say that because I would spend more time in PMO then I would with the Lord. There is feeling of freedom in a sense.

If I am honest and say do I miss it? For sure. Am I afraid I would relapse hard? 100%. Do I feel better after 6 days without it? No... I think the reason is there is a big part of me that feels the most amount of intimacy and affection that I have been wired to believe for 20 years that I get from it. I know it's so messed up but other than God atm there really isn't anything else.

But in summary and on a positive note, there is a SHIFT, and it is the fact that it isn't my big idol in my life.

Also can I ask, does anyone seem to get like psoriasis or dandruff by doing heaps of pmo? I noticed that I do. Could be due to zinc depletion?
StillGoing129 more_vert
Its good to hear the progress you are making. Keep it up mate! I figure that we need to pour more of God's Word, his presence and other good stuff to outweigh all the crap that we have poured into ourselves over the years. Even though spiritually, God forgives and we can immediately begin getting closer to God, it takes time for the brain, thoughts and desires to catch up to what we trying to do. Be blessed, your journey is a blessing to read!