Post published by DomHope

Hi everybody,
I really need all your help and prayers, Rosaries, Nvena etc ...

I relapse again today after almost one year of trying (longest streak about 17 days) and to add to it that I am homlsexual and effeminated AND depressif ...

I need your prayers I beg you ...
Intelli Gent more_vert
Intelli Gent
Ok, first, I think you need to seek out some things first. Are you really willing to change? Are you asking for legitimate help or pity and someone to just tell you it's ok? Are you seeking professional help for your depression? Prayer helps, but God has also given us doctors and given those doctors wisdom to treat. Are you effeminate by choice ( like I do like some girlish things) or did society tell you that you were effeminate? And lastly, if you are truly homosexual 1) are you active or celibate? 2) was this introduced early or late 3) do you "enjoy" it or just go along with it because someone told you you were gay?
Lancelot Striving47 likes this.
Lancelot Striving47 more_vert
Lancelot Striving47
Thanks for giving him some real thoughts @Intelli Gent !
Lancelot Striving47 more_vert
Lancelot Striving47
Okay, remember that Gods mercy is endless and no matter how many times you hurt Him through sin his is yearning for you to ask His forgiveness. But this forgiveness come with sincerity on your part. Remember when we say the Act of Contrition we say, " And with Your Grace will sin no more and avoid the near occasion of sin.". This means we will avoid the things that lead us to sin. Sounds like that's what you want to do! Welcome to the fight of a lifetime!
Intelli Gent likes this.
Lancelot Striving47 more_vert
Lancelot Striving47
It is time to turn your life around, but that means changing the way you are living your life now. It is going to be hard! You will suffer loses, but if you keep strategizing for the final battle you will win. What are you fighting? Porn? Masturbation? Same-sex acts or thoughts? Let's get a good picture of the battlefield and then come up with a plan. God made you a warrior and he would never give you a battle you could not "choose" to win.
Intelli Gent likes this.
DomHope more_vert
First of all, thank you for your responses.
DomHope more_vert
So first of all, I am really willing to change and you telling me it's okay won't help me, so no, I am not looking for that.