Post published by acek47

hey guys....

so when i was a kid i had lots of energy and i grew up athletic.

because of some problems i stopped moving too much and started being lazy,
now i always try to get back and its really hard,
i feel tired fast.

has anyone a solution ?
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Get a gym buddy. Someone that really wants to go and will make you go. Challenge you. A friend's nephew asked me to get him into working out been taking him last month or so. Instead of coming home from work and just wanting to lay on the couch.. i end up at the gym with him. Always glad i went later that night.
Hank Pym more_vert
Hank Pym
I was an athlete too! Won many competitions.
Hank Pym more_vert
Hank Pym
If you want to be back, you need to do everything little more than you use to do... especially cardio
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mab65 more_vert
A lot of people are in your boat. Best advice I can offer that helped me is give yourself a small goal and just go to the gym, or track, or room in your house/apartment then implement your plan to achieve the goal. Maybe it's reaching 50 pushups, doing a 9 minute mile, losing 5 pounds, drinking a gallon of water a day and giving up fruit juice for a month. I bet you'll start feeling your energy come back. THERE WILL BE UPS AND DOWNS: Fight through the downs and capitalize on the ups.