Post published by JustASimpleChristianMale

I have a question guys and gals:
Why did God make it possible for us to masturbate if it’s a sin? Human beings can’t tickle themselves, so why can we pleasure ourselves? Why not make it to where only a spouse can do it?
BiscuitLife89 more_vert
When you go down a rabbit hole like this, you could ask this question about anything and eventually end up at the question of why he created us in the first place if we were just going to suffer in sin. First of all we must tread carefully when we question of the motivation of God. God is holy holy holy, perfect in every way, and God is good. God could have only created the universe in 3 ways: Not at all, where He was alone, perfect in His own existence,
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BiscuitLife89 more_vert
where everybody loved, or with evil/sin. One of these is the only way love, real love, is possible. If everybody loved, as in the second option, it would have no meaning. Thats all we would know, its all we could do, we would be robots. But if evil and sin somes into play, we see the horrible things we do to each other and we choose to love anyway, how much more does that mean?
BiscuitLife89 more_vert
Paul spoke of a thorn in his side in 2 Corinthians 12:7. If you havent read that yet, go read it. Paul, asks God to take whatevee this problem he had away, and God said no. It was a tool for God to keep Paul humble and keep his head from getting too big, because he was kind of a big deal. It was to keep Paul from getting too big for his pants and saying I dont need you because I am so good, he was relant on God, and it brought him to his knees.
BiscuitLife89 more_vert
Tickling doesnt violate Gods law no matter who does it, and I dont think I have to explain why self masturbation does.