Post published by Mr. Elsaesser

Hi everyone. After nearly half a year of staying away from porn and fapping, at some point this summer I failed. There was regret, I went to confession, and eventually put it behind me, but I keep making the same stupid decisions every time I get tempted. I feel like utter garbage. Just this morning I was fapping and talking to people that any sane Catholic would avoid like the plague. Afterwards with some regret I went downstairs to eat only to find out my grandmother passed away. I have had so many blessings in life, but I squander it. She had to live through ww2 Germany as a kid, experienced her family split apart, as well as her marriage. When she was aging in a nursing home she would tell people that she is getting tired of it all. I need to change myself.
Tomas! likes this.
Mr. Elsaesser more_vert
Mr. Elsaesser
To clarify, I also am learning to hate the internet and social media more and more. What an utter waste of time, I always tell myself I am beyond this or that depraved thing, but I slip into sin anyway.
Lancelot Striving47 more_vert
Lancelot Striving47
So sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Death is hard. But remember it is not what God wants either and that is why he has the plan of salvation. Your Grandmother is home now and happy with God.
Mr. Elsaesser more_vert
Mr. Elsaesser
Yeah, I sure pray that's the case. I think I will definitely need to be more deliberate in nofap and living a more pure life. It seems so foolish of me that I ignore that stumbling block so often.
Lancelot Striving47 likes this.
Mr. Elsaesser more_vert
Mr. Elsaesser
So far, the rosary and confession are a good start
Lancelot Striving47 more_vert
Lancelot Striving47
Far as porn and masturbation goes you can stop it. It is hard depending on your history of use, but it is worth it.
Tomas! and Mr. Elsaesser like this.
Lancelot Striving47 more_vert
Lancelot Striving47
If you want help join me on a forum or message me. There is a way out! You are a warrior of God the Almighty! You are one of his knights!
Mr. Elsaesser likes this.