Post published by InGodItrust

i just relapsed today around 3:00PM. I really tried to fight it guys. Doubt, shame and guilt are wearing me down. I can feel it in my soul. It's crazy I m my own enemy not anybody. Man this is crazy. I wish I can go back in time and never plant the seed of porn and masturbation. Now its a huge tree I can not cut it and throw it away. I wish I was never born. If this is how my life is going to continue then I wish I didn't come to this earth to live with this filth and disease called porn and masturbation.
j_pwc_bat likes this.
seaguy44 more_vert
Let us support you brother
InGodItrust more_vert
@seaguy44 what's the cure for this disease man
seaguy44 more_vert
Take it a day by day. Get a SERIOUS AP like @RDBTau
Foxislander more_vert
I know your struggle day 89 of 90 day challenge, otw to 120, 180, 270 per abstinence contract extension maybe 365? God decides wife chooses when to resume HARDMODE PMO with my awesome wife odaat....with god
Foxislander more_vert
when thd boner arrives in morning always does it points to the coffee maker, then holds my shirt up then points saw. then back to sleep God's way of letting me it still works
Foxislander more_vert
I will help anyone here who wants it, HARDMODE pmo only p,m,o, still feeds the beast until your rewired and rebooted.
Foxislander more_vert
I have WhatsApp hardmode pmo only married for 33 years have not had sex at all so porn no masterbation at relapses are nothing more than excuses
Foxislander more_vert
I can be your accountability guy with WhatsApp hard boat TMO only you must be committed or don't bother