Post published by Youraveragelds

I get married in 50 days in the temple, but I just slipped up with PMO. I feel so terrible. I dont want to bring this into a marriage and I want to be clean. I find myself thinking that the problem will take care of itself once I am married and can have sex, but I have heard that is a trap and not true. I love my fiance so much and I would never want to hurt her. I feel unworthy of her now and I feel awful. What do I do?
hope4travis and LimitBreak9 like this.
fakeittomakeit more_vert
Have you talked to your Bishop about the situation? I'd schedule an appointment with him, he can tell you exactly what needs to happen next.
vxlccm, Don Gately and cabbagE_ like this.
cabbagE_ more_vert
I agree. The Bishop is there to help you with these tough situations. I know that you will be able to stay PMO free if you do that.
LimitBreak9 more_vert
This man needs all the help he can get, as members of this forum, we dont just refer him to bishop and be done with it.
LimitBreak9 more_vert
I have sought help with my bishop when i was married, i was referred to my stake president and he gave me very helpful advice. I didnt remember their exact advice but i remembered their love.
LimitBreak9 more_vert
There was a disciplinary action that time and you can guess hiw fearful i am if i was to be the person to be disciplined, i was the stake clerk. I learned the true weight of sin and its consequence
LimitBreak9 more_vert
The ruling given is actually a call to repentance so that the person can be worthy again, i learned the healing power of the atonement and how Christ suffered for all is truly a miracle
LimitBreak9 more_vert
My bishop told me that i will need all the help i can get, you can stay in this forum to fill your mind with light, in addition to tremendous light the church and its programs is already giving.
Don Gately likes this.
LimitBreak9 more_vert
One question the bishop asked me is "what else can you do so you wont fall again?". So i watch videos and literature that can help me, i like this:
LimitBreak9 more_vert
And finally, the bishop is the one authorized by God to judge you. You cannot judge yourself in this matter. We cannot judge you. I hope this helps. (why is there a 255 char limit? XD)
Don Gately likes this.