Post published by harry287

hi i think if i can recover this is the only way 12 steps
i am on o fap from last 3 months but no clean up till now
i really need help i have experience of Narcotics anonymous recovery with 12 steps

i want to know from you guys how can i start my 1st step in this recovery
i was thinking if i replace "drugs" word with "masturbation" i could start but this did not work i started but not find proper realization
and approach

please any help how i took surrender.
how i address my un manageability.
how i feel my powerlessness
Trappist likes this.
TheMightyQuinn more_vert
You can't do the steps alone. Do you attend meetings and have a sponsor? You will need a sponsor and a group. There are phone meetings. Where are you located?
Trappist likes this.
TheMightyQuinn more_vert
Check out to find a meeting near you.
Trappist likes this.
goodfriendjps more_vert
You can also do SAA telephone meetings. I'm looking for a sponsor as well. Best wishes, my friend.
harry287 more_vert
I am in India but in my location there is no S. A OR SLA any kind of metting
TheMightyQuinn more_vert
Harry287, send me a PM, I'll try to give you some tips, can you order a copy of the green book from the website? There is a kindle version as well.
Trappist and harry287 like this.
Dr_prof more_vert
there is a sex and love addicts (SLAA) handbook. perhaps get that or I have a digital copy if you want me to send it to you.
Trappist and harry287 like this.
harry287 more_vert
I need that can you send me slaa hand book digital copy
Dr_prof more_vert
Those who want it send me a PM with your email :)
harry287 likes this.
harry287 more_vert
Hello Dr prof. I sent you my email but you did not sent
harry287 more_vert
I request you plz sent me that book on my email
Dr_prof more_vert
Just done it harry- sorry about the delay
harry287 likes this.