Post published by AllanTheCowboy

Is anyone else validly married, and separated due to PMO/related, without a realistic prospect of reconciling?
Francis of Assissi more_vert
Francis of Assissi
My first marriage had lots of problems,PMO was one. It wasn't an issue for her because she didn't know about it, but PMO did affect our relationship. It was one of many problems, and contributed greatly.
Francis of Assissi more_vert
Francis of Assissi
Eventually, she wanted to divorce. I knew the relationship was poison, but I had hoped we could work things out. She refused to reconcile.
AllanTheCowboy more_vert
I take it the marriage was declared null?
Francis of Assissi more_vert
Francis of Assissi
I was granted the Pauline Privileges after I became Catholic, and have since remarried in the Catholic faith. My wife is scheduled to begin RCIA after Pentecost.