Post published by savedandhealing

Hi, everyone. I need your help and advice as I progress down the road of recovery. I am 28 and have been married for about 5 years, I have struggled with porn addiction and have cheated on a few occasions in emotionless one time encounters. These were basically anonymous encounters that did not involve vaginal sex, once a bj and the other few times a hj (cheating none the less). As I have matured I’m realizing that I’m living for so much more and no longer want to be burdened by this guilt and sorrow. Recently I prayed and asked for god to save and forgive me of my sins. I have been working hard to beat this addiction and read scripture. I read various things about if I should tell my wife or not. I never plan on going down this road again and the acts were emotionless and I believe fueled by the issues I was having with porn. I’m working hard on my marriage, but I still wonder if I should tell her. I’m not sure of the benefit. What would you all recommend, I read so many various opinions on whether to tell or not. I truly believe God has worked in my life and made me a changed man. I plan on working hard to keep this up, just not sure if I should leave this in the past. I read that I am freed from my past sins and to not be burdened by them. What is your all’s opinions? Thank you
The Wrestler more_vert
The Wrestler
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light...
savedandhealing more_vert
I agree with you. Are you saying that I just need to move on and continue in the light and leave it be in the dark? The sin has been cast in to a sea of forgetfulness. I see no benefit of revisiting a past sin by telling her. Is this an accurate belief?
cornhusker1 more_vert
That is a very tough question. Im not sure you are taking the last scripture in its correct context (about being freed). You may want to talk to a pastor and see what they say.
cornhusker1 more_vert
I think it may be beneficial to tell her because although you have grown, you will have moments of weakness and she may be able to help. I also believe that being transparent and communicating is important in marriage.
cornhusker1 more_vert
It may be a very hard truth to follow, but we are told to confess our sins to others as well so they can help us along life
The Wrestler more_vert
The Wrestler
@savedandhealing You're still hiding it. Everything that is hidden will be brought to light.
The Wrestler more_vert
The Wrestler
Are you asking us for absolution? Are we the ones who can truly give it to you?
The Wrestler more_vert
The Wrestler
Are you hiding from what you know to be true?
savedandhealing more_vert
I have confessed these sins to God and he has banished them. They have been forgotten. Is this not correct?
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