Post published by FlawedChristian

I relapsed again. I've have yet to make 17 days. Last time I felt a disconnect with the Holy Spirit because I didn't feel guilty. I felt empty. I think as long as you feel something, that shows the Holy Spirit is moving within in you! It doesn't have to be guilt. He forgives and He is so good to us for that! Amen! I felt inspired writing my last journal entry, maybe check it out. Thinking of you all and hoping you are growing in your journey. God Bless.
lemn more_vert
Thank you for sharing; this road is easier when travelled in company
MrPrince and HopefulChristian like this.
HappyDaysAreHereAgain more_vert
How do we find your journal entry, when your profile is blocked?
HopefulChristian likes this.
diddykong more_vert
It's amazing that God gave you a sign. He speaks to us in different ways but it's hard when we feel disconnected from him. He's always there and calls us back when we stray and he loves us more each time
HopefulChristian likes this.
SetLeefree more_vert
This is not the end of your journey. Simply a moment. His mercies are new every morning. The proof is in the pr
HopefulChristian likes this.
SetLeefree more_vert
The proof is in the pursuit. Another words the effort your putting in shows your heart is with God. Failure isn't final with the father.
HopefulChristian likes this.