Post published by TeJayy

I have some honest questions:

What is there to do with a wife other than have sex? I mean, yes she'll have my kids and help me start & raise a family, but that's still somewhat sex-related. And other than cuddling/physical intimacy too?

I ask because the main thing & almost the only thing I think of when it comes to women are what they can do sexually for me. If I find a woman even slightly attractive, I struggle trying to percieve her as a friend without the potiential or possiblility that I may do something sexual with her or just viewing her non-sexually as a normal person. I blame the porn & my past experiences for me not really being able to imagine anything non-sexual related, but I want new thoughts to replace all these sexual immoral ones regarding women.

What benefit comes from having a girlfriend with no sex?

What benefits come from having a female friend with no sex or anything sexual?

And no I don't have any biological sisters...

And I respectfully ask that please noone tell me "don't look for/expect any benefits" or some mess like that. Because I'm being realistic here and I have dopamine re-wiring in mind too when I ask for personal benefits regarding women in my questions.

Please and honestly, thank you very much.
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A marriage is a partnership. The family is the most basic unit expressing love. Through Man and Woman new life emerges.. it is a vision of the Godhead.
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Love is not truly love until it expresses itself outward. Before the world was Father Son and Holy Ghost existed as a triune partnership with love flowing between them.
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I will use this analogy (not mine).. a man fishing was asked why he was. He responded "because I love fish". If you truly loved fish you would not kill and eat it... it is better to say you love the feeling fish gives you.