
Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Yes, i could understand earlobes. For fucks sake. Of course. But if you don't understand that there would clearly be a psychological difference between losing an earlobe and a forskin I can't help you.
  2. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Be passionate about it with your own kids. But, please don't vote for any laws enforcing your personal opinions, because then your nothing more than a fascist.
    I have dozens and dozens of relatives, and ancestors who all have done it and we will continue to do it.
    CompulsiveCrab likes this.
  3. You say I am a fascist? Nice. :rolleyes: I see you feel warmly in the matter. How do you know what decisions your children and grandchildren will make, unless you intend to impose your personal opinion in them? :oops: But you won't vote for it, right?
    noonoon likes this.
  4. Estus

    Estus Banned

    Only those weird Europeans are uncircumcised, especially the more backwater ones.

    You whip out your uncircumcised cock in front of an American girl and she'll want to throw up.
  5. Don't be so offensive @Estus. :( The majority of men retain their natural genitals. Americans often have their son's cocks surgically altered because of tradition. I do not believe your generalisation about American females is well founded either.
  6. I have never been accused of being a fascist before, so I looked it up.

    "If you refer to someone as a fascist, you are expressing disapproval of the fact that they have extreme views on something, and do not tolerate alternative views."

    How can not allowing a new born boy to have an unnecessary surgery be an extreme view!? We are having a discussion about our differing opinions. So, how am I not tolerant of alternate views? I do not think your slur describes me at all. o_O
  7. Estus

    Estus Banned

    You need to come down here then and see for yourself. I'm sure with your accent you could charm a couple and then invite them to sample your European member.

    Just hope they don't vomit.

    Besides there were always more serfs than nobles. I'm glad I have a patrician's circumcised rod, who wants to be part of the unwashed masses? Literally circumcised is much more hygienic.

    Besides I'm glad I don't have to pull my foreskin back every time I have to piss.
  8. AscendRestore

    AscendRestore Fapstronaut

    Humans adhere to similarity and proximity rather than to ethics or data.
    That's why we have Stockholm syndrome - not because it's right for hostages to identify with their hostage takers, but because humans rapidly learn to coordinate with what is close by rather than what is distant.
  9. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    I heard the same thing. I haven't gotten that far with restoring yet so I can't really give you an answer, but I heard that it will be very noticeable increase in sensation. Other than that, i heard after a while being covered the skin on the head becomes softer and more natural looking.

    Here's the link for the book.

    It will vary from person to person, but from what I heard from some members on a restoration forum my guess would be roughly around 3 to maybe 5 years depending on the method you choose and the amount of tension used. It takes a lot of patience and consistency to get there.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
    AscendRestore likes this.
  10. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    I didn't call you a fascist. I said when/if a person votes to suppress the freedom of others because of some new notion concerning morality, that person turns into an asshole (is that a better word?). The reason why i care, is because in the United States there are many assholes who are trying to do just that when it comes to circumcision. Fortunately, here, we're protected by the constitution from these phony, moralizing do-gooders.
    I used the term fascist because it's one most people understand to mean "dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition" - which is what I would consider it to be if a government managed to outlaw this ancient, and benign practice.
    Just because you imagine a foreskin to have a purpose doesn't mean it does. we also remove tonsils, wisdom teeth etc.
    Speaking of which, i sure do miss my tonsils!! Anyone know how i might get those surgically reinstalled.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
  11. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    How is it an extreme view? Well, for one: Jews practice it religiously. IE it's part of their religion. It's been that way for thousands and thousands of years. BUT now you suddenly know better. So you'll stop an ancient practice of a civilization to "protect" people from themselves. You'll disrupt one of the oldest and most ancient religious system - one that has worked beautifully well for thousands of years - because it offends your modern sensibilities. i call that extreme.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
  12. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    If what you wish aligns with God's will for you, nothing. If (as a Christian) you think this is God's will that you spend your money to have your foreskin surgically replaced? Enjoy. It simply sounds absurd to me.
  13. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

  14. Thank you for clarifying. None of those descriptors apply to me. I wield no power, I am not in favour of "forcible suppression of opposition". I am not part of some moralizing, do-gooder movement. I do not vote or protest on social issues. I am just giving my opinion on an internet thread. I think you have overestimated my 'threat' to your views. I honestly cannot see this procedure being banned. However, it may be an ancient ritual but I do not consider it benign.
    I have no issue with Jews and Muslims following their religious practices. But you know that many parents impose this surgery on their boys although they are not Jews or Muslims. Sadly, it does not always work beautifully and well.
    Yeah, good examples. I had my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was 7 because of recurrent, frequent infections. They were not removed when I was a baby in case they got infected. Wisdom teeth are often removed at adolescence or as adults. They are not removed much earlier in case they create a problem later. Also, the removal of tonsils and wisdom teeth are not moved as a Jewish or Islamic ritual. To cut these things out when they are healthy tissue would be the comparison to infant circumcision. The point is, no one advocates this! Thank you for articulating my point.
    noonoon and AscendRestore like this.
  15. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Hey, I didn't read your response. Nothing personal. I'd just like to apologize about my harsh posts from before. I relapsed after 168 days and I've been something of a dick since then.

    This is a site for all of us who are struggling with PMO. So, i don't really care where anyone is at wrt circumcision or abortion or whatever. We're all here to get better. That's it.

    Besides, that's what Reddit is for.

    AscendRestore likes this.
  16. AscendRestore

    AscendRestore Fapstronaut

    This whole thread is quite remarkable and mature and confronting. Quite out of the ordinary for internet threads on a divisive topic.
  17. Thanks. I can relate to your frustration. This week has been a bad week with 88 days on Tuesday and three relapses since then! But my worst revere was from 243 days - ouch! :eek: This is a brutal addiction and irritability is very understandable.
  18. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that brother. But hey, I'd not trade those 168 days for anything. . . even with the relapse. It was a wonderful experience and I can't wait to relive it!
  19. ^ This is from the original post, and there is a part of his comment that hasn't been addressed. He has been attempting foreskin restoration. I don't know much about this as I have a foreskin so I have read very little about restoration. The point I think worth mentioning is to do with the skin being used to restore the foreskin. Unless I have completely misunderstood the concept, it involves stretch the shaft skin so it overhangs the glans penis (or 'the head').

    However, the shaft skin is not the same as the foreskin. The foreskin is utterly unique - especially the inside section. So, although a guy might successfully cover his glans penis, that is really all you can expect - a cover. But it won't have the 20,000 nerve endings of a foreskin nor the specialised sensory cells. Ironically, then, this 'solution' is also largely cosmetic.
  20. Yes, it is long enough to have given you a flavour of life without the addiction and the many benefits. Let's aim high again.
    noonoon likes this.