Femdom addiction for 7 years, please help!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by balkanic_falcon, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    I can not wait this day, it's very soon.

    I passed psychological and physical tests with the best results. I'm mentally and physically totally healthy, for serving the army and psychiatrists who create those tests said that i did them excellent. (Many guys didn't passed because it's not that easy), so it means that i should be proud of myself.

    I hope that those military days will really help me, that all those months without PMO will really cure me forever.
    I sign up voluntarily, and NoFap is the one of reasons, because there is no way to watch porn in army. And that's great! It's easy to fight enemies on the field, the most dangerious enemy is in is within us.

    Today i relapsed again, on day 12. I felt so depressive, and i was near to think about suicide... But you know what? Brothers... NEVER say to yourself "i just want to take a look", or "just to see a little bit"... GuitarDude
    said well! I said to myself "Oh i just want to see some photos... It's just nice to see that, i will not masturbate"... And BAM! I fapped, i relapsed! Okay, it's after 12 days, i'm not so much addicted... I mean, yes i am a little bit, but... as you saw from my previous posts, my main problem is simply - femdom fetish.

    Do anyone have a some link to download something that can block pornography FOREVER? We all really need this!


    Brothers InspiredWithin and Aiden5, i have questions for you.

    Aiden5, you said that you were 24/7 slave to those "Mistresses", why you decide to go that far? Is this also porn induced? Can you tell me more about your expiriences?
    Unlike you, i had femdom expirience only with my girlfriend who actually didn't understand femdom at all (expect one), and it was weird that i imaginate (mostly, not always) femdom sex with them, and one of my ex actually have maledom fetish!

    InspiredWithin, i personally consider foot fetish somehow normal if it's practiced with other parts of women body... But... Yeah i know about what you speak, hardcore foot fetishists can only be attracted by feet and it's somehow the only part of women body for them. I'm not hardcore feet fetishist, because i enjoyed more in worshipping other parts of them, such as pussy and ass. How you struggling with foot fetish? For example, to foot fetishists porn-blockers can't help, because there are a plenty of foot fetish videos on youtube, for example. We all started from foot fetish, and it's somehow what was before in us (that's my opinion), but the femdom connection with foot fetish is main problem. Because those kissing feet is always somehow connected with female dominance (according to sick porno industry). I mean, it will be always nice for me to see girl's feet, like it's nice to see girl's ass, i don't have problem with that, but femdom fetish is main enemy, and the most addictive shit. I wanted to say that, for example, kissing whole girl's body (including feet) is normal sexual act in prelude, but being obsessed only with feet, or having femdom fetish is unnaturally. That's why we must fight it within us.

    I don't know any of you, but many of you have similar problems, i'm glad that i opened thread where many femdom addicts can open theirselves, because i know that it really means a lot to psyche... And it's like being totally relieved after this... I don't know any of you but all of you means much in my life, because you are the only persons who know about my big problem. So again, thanks a lot to you all! This forum is absolutely great. Just few minutes before i thinked about suicide but now i'm smiling and i'm ready for next struggles and fights. I will still train hard, i will still sober, i will still abstinent from alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, i will beat fucking pornography and femdom addiction, like all of you will, brothers!

    My future is to be a soldier, not porn addict!
    Princeslave and Veeav like this.
  2. petercoiled

    petercoiled Fapstronaut

    I think it's interesting, the foot is the "lowest" body part, in terms of distance from the ground. Since you have to grovel in order to worship such a thing, it's no surprise that it's linked up to femdom in so many cases.
  3. Veeav

    Veeav Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I am not sure if foot fetish is always bad and should be considered only as porn induced thing. I like girls feet for example and have never watched femdom porn. I think it's genetic thing to some level of course so getting rid of porn should reduce it at least :)
  4. JamesD

    JamesD Fapstronaut

    I think that once a fetish becomes an obsession it becomes a problem. For a large part of my life, I haven't been able to get hard or orgasm unless I was thinking of one of a few very specific things. This has hurt me and my past partners as it means I usually haven't been fully engaged with them at the time when we should have been.

    I wouldn't try and make a big deal over it, just pull back from it a little. You'll probably find they lose a little of their power once you stop feeding and reinforcing them.

    I don't have all the answers, it's just my 2c worth.
  5. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    I'm in 5th day of my rebooting, it's just beggining, but i firmly decided to not watch porn again. Sometimes i felt a huge anxiety, but i guess it's a part of rebooting, i'm in contact with guys who have same problems, and we help each other a lot. It really helps much. Urges come sometimes, but i "kill" them in my head immediately. And i had dream, but not wet one, about femdom seance with some actress... But... In general i feel much better, after just 5 days. After how many days should came flatline?
  6. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    From my expirience i know that all femdom addicts have foot fetish, but not all foot fetishists are into femdom. These are different, but connected things.

    I also know many guys who say: "I just like to see when girl have pretty feet, but nothing more than it, because i'm not fetishist".
  7. AnxietyHangover

    AnxietyHangover Fapstronaut

    I swear porn is a hard drug. And like any drug you get sick because of it at some point. I myself been abusing porn for 7 years continuously and I feel like I really need to stop. This website is the rehab center LOL. Good luck man, stay strong.
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
  8. winslow

    winslow Fapstronaut

    hi, I've read along the posts of many on this thread. I enjoy pretty feet but it is not my fetish nor femdom but I wanted to share a breathing practice that helped my greatly to get past the first days and weeks. I read about on the day I decided to knock porn on it's f'ing face and take my god given life back. So its like this, you need to look deep into your soul and find the reasons that you desire to stop your "acting out". Write them down if it helps. Then find a place to sit or lie on your back. Then begin by breathing in slowly for a count of 10 seconds, then hold that breath in for 10 seconds, then you guessed it, breath out slowly counting off the 10 seconds. Repeat this 10 times. Keep you hands your knees to tap out each breathing rep (10+10+10). While you are doing this imagine and repeat to yourself those soul-sought mantras (example, "I will be able to hold my head high with confidence if I walk away" "my family will be proud of me if I walk away" "I will be on the man I know waits within for my
    balkanic_falcon likes this.
  9. winslow

    winslow Fapstronaut

    (my message got cut off in the middle) ...I wanted to try to explain the science behind this controlled breathing. As I understand it breathing and digestion are the only two unconscious bodily processes that we can control. By controlling your breathing and repeating you mantras, you are able to connect with your unconscious just a little and begin the rewiring manually. The other is fasting but since you are going to military better stay fed and just try the breathing. It really helped me get past really strong urges. Best to practice the technique before a trigger hits you so its second nature to you to stop and control your breathing. I know you have a lot of good reason to quit from reading your posts. Good luck and be safe. Let me know if it helps you. W.
    balkanic_falcon likes this.
  10. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    Today i did hardcore chest workout and after that i did cold shower. Now before sleeping i did your breathing practice and i will continue doing that in future. Thank you so much. My day 7 passed without urges and i feel so good.
    Bel and winslow like this.
  11. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    Day 14.

    14 days without urges at all. I feel amazing progress just after 2 weeks.
  12. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    Day 24.

    I already have a feeling that femdom addiction is my bad past. Now i look at it as something a little bit weird. (But still some sympathies towards femdom, i'm just in day 24, but anyway it's good progress).

    Still no urges, no fantasizing, and no thinking about femdom (when i was 100% addicted, i used to overthink about it). No watching anything connected to it. Also no vanilla porn. So - i am in hardmode. I want to beat not only femdom fetish addiction, but also porn.. This struggle is also upon porn industry.

    Talking with friends who are on the same way helps me much. I also told mother that i had porn problem (but not that i am into femdom), and she understands me, and support me to continue fighting this. And i will.

    I'm beating it well. I am proud of myself. But it's not end of the struggle.

    Soon many months of army service awaits me... I'm going in few days. Those days were just introduce for real destroying of femdom in my life. It will be deleted forever.

    Bel likes this.
  13. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut


    Just be aware of the "post accute withdrawal" period. It might last up to two years. 90 days are mostly too short period for overcoming femdom/porn addiction.

    I view 90 days more as a milestone than a goal.

    I am struggling myself (on 220 days cold turkey, so far).

    Good luck
    srn and balkanic_falcon like this.
  14. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

  15. Arnulf

    Arnulf Fapstronaut

    Congratulations!!! Well done! How is it going with the femdom fetish? Are you able to get rid of it?
    balkanic_falcon likes this.
  16. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    Yeah, i think that yes, not fully, but 90%. To be honest, i often forgot that femdom and porn exist. Lol.

    From this perspective, after 141 day, it's seems totally stupid in my mind. With every day i look at it like at something weird which is not part of me.
    lantti, anewhope and winslow like this.
  17. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    207 days... Wow... I'm proud!
    D . J . and Matthew37 like this.
  18. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    what a story man!!how are you now?
    srn and balkanic_falcon like this.
  19. winslow

    winslow Fapstronaut

    Great success! Good to hear of your progress.
    balkanic_falcon likes this.
  20. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    And so you should be! Congrats!
    balkanic_falcon likes this.