Please give me hope: Guys who were unsuccessful with women/virgins, who overcame

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by letsgochamp, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. letsgochamp

    letsgochamp Fapstronaut

    Hey people,

    I want to reach out to the community here as I go through this process of transformation and want to hear from guys who were not doing well with women, virgins especially, who did actually move forward and have had successful relationships and sex lives.

    I want to know how you managed to change from coming from such a low place, to doing what is essentially very human and normal.

    I've suffered from high anxiety since I was a small child and am only recovering now, as I found a method that works for me. Now I can put that behind me, I will be honest, I want to make up for feeling so rejected and overlooked my whole life. My confidence with women is basically 0 now and I just think no one will ever find me attractive or want to be with me. I believe thoughts are kind of useless and only concrete behaviours really affect what you feel and form your attitudes, so frankly I want to know how other men walked the path out of this jail of isolation and into freedom. I'm not in need of pep talks or motivation, I am 100% getting out of this pit even if it kills me, but I just need to figure out how to go forward.

    Most won't know the feeling of 'making up for lost time', but it's real, and it's what has made me ask you all this. A few guys will know what I feel and hopefully be a candle in the dark.

  2. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Number one rule. Self confidence is hot to women.
  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'm in a similar situation to you but I wanted to hone in on this part, because your mindset about this is very wrong (IMO). A man who believes he is worthless, unattractive and unable to change will become what he fears he is, regardless of how true it is in reality. Meanwhile, a man who truly perceives himself to be confident, attractive, and capable of improvement will become exactly that, because ultimately this process is about mind over matter. You could have the body of a greek god and it wouldnt matter one bit if you didnt have the mindset to match. When push comes to shove women can practically smell self confidence and will find that the most attractive thing about you, obviously there are exceptions to every rule but as long as you believe yourself to be a failure, you wont make any progress.
    vibemaker likes this.
  4. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    As a person your body is designed to attract a mate so you can reproduce. You've probably had women who were interested and you don't even know it. Plus doing nofap will build up a high sperm count making you more attractive. Men and women can subconsciously detect this, men detect it to look for an alpha male. Women detect this also to see which potential mates have a higher chance of successful reproduction.
  5. letsgochamp

    letsgochamp Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your responses, guys. I'm not trying to argue, but I have posted a reply. I have been in this position a long time, given I'm 26, and in my heart know what I have to do. I'm doing that. Essentially, I suppose I wanted to hear some sort of story of hope, some example of someone like me rising above this. It is no way for a man to live in quiet isolation, so I suppose I am looking to find solace in the hope that one day this will be behind me.

    Hey AtomicTango. Whilst I understand this, the truth is, these attitudes are good in general but really do not influence behaviour. What I consciously think of myself does not alter my subconscious self-image - that is modified by behaviours. Confident people who have women eating out of the palms of their hands have altered their subconscious beliefs to such that they exhibit the behaviour most conducive with attracting women automatically. For me, my anxiety overwhelms most interactions and makes it a bit of a nonstarter, regardless of what I may think or feel about myself. This is why I'm doing the work to rid myself of it.

    Thank you for your response, and awesome avatar by the way. :) Yes, the odd woman probably has found me somewhat attractive. This doesn't do much for me, with all due respect, as I'm not really able to form any sort of connection with them right now.
  6. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Have you tried anxiety medication?
  7. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    Same man, I also feel not good enough, unwanted, and a loser/ nobody cause there's people doing way better things in life than I am right now at my high school and I wish I could be somebody and not a nobody. But that's just me maybe I am a somebody but I just don't do anything outstanding at school like plays, prom (dances in general and I might go this year since this is my last chance to go) and anything else other than FFA. I just hope the girl I like will accept me if I try cause I'm going to try and give myself hell till I do cause I don't want to live this life feeling like utter trash and feeling like going with suicide..
  8. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Guys life doesn't end in HS. It hasn't even started yet.
    forbiddenPLACES likes this.
  9. letsgochamp

    letsgochamp Fapstronaut

    Hey guys.

    Let's reiterate the question:

    Can anyone provide some form of evidence of a guy who sucked with women who then became something of a ladies man? Anecdotal is fine.

  10. I'm a girl and kissed for the first time and lost my virginity at 21. I was very shy. Now people think I lie when I say I was shy

    They consider me easygoing :) get out of your comfort zone and talk to people especially girls. Socialize more. Sex is not so central. Don't feel bad :) learn to appreciate yourself more look at the mirror and start loving yourself

    Also love your personality traits. You are unique. No one is like you. Embrace it :)
    vibemaker and razpf like this.
  11. Scourge

    Scourge Fapstronaut

    Not in real life...
  12. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    So, let me tell you my story. I had pretty heavy social anxiety, when I started this. I was nervous even in the waiting line in a grocery store. Basically at everything where eyes were on me. When a girl talked to me at this time, I would blush and behave weird. It was really hard for me to hold eye contact. All I wanted is to get rid of this social anxiety, because it ruined my life and all my potential.

    Then I went on my first streak. And it slightly improved, I got a little more easy in daily situations, but most social situations were still labeled as a "challenge" in my brain. But the little improvements were enough to keep me going. My mind became slightly clearer and after about 2 months I started to feel way more comfortable in my body. I still felt anxious sometimes, but it was more in the background and not that overwhelming anymore. I felt like I could handle it. During this times I experienced a lot of sudden mood changes from euphoric to really sad and reverse. During 2 and 3 months there were situations I thought like: "Damn, this is really changing me, I can't believe. Who is this guy?" The contrast was really that intense for me back then. But turned out this was just the beginning...

    After about 100 days I felt a huge boost in confidence and general well-being. So girls... There's one situation that really sticked to my mind from this time. I was visiting a medical practice at this time on a regular basis and before NoFap and during the first weeks I was pretty nervous around all the girls there, but it slightly improved until the point it became a bit surreal for me (I wasn't used to this at all.). The girls there and the doc's didn't bring much attention and 'warmth' to me at the beginning. It felt like the usual 'service'. Then there came more smiles, more attention.. nothing to wild, but I noticed that there was slightly building up tension between me and the female doc. At first I was like 'Oh no, I'm just imagining this, this is totally unrealistic.', even it was quite obvious and I'm pretty good at reading other people. I mean she was like in her early 30's I guess, so maybe about 8 years older like me and pretty hot. So in one of the 'meetings' she was obviously flirting with me and started playing with her hair! She acted a bit like a little girl. It's hard to describe, but you should have seen my face. I was like 'what the fuck is happening here?'. I'm not sure what would have happend, when I made a step, probably not anything, cause she seemed like to be with both feet on the ground... But I think it's a good example how magnetic you become.
  13. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    i did. I've been unable to enjoy sex and most of the times build an erection for 6 years:from the beginning of my sexual life till a couple of months ago. Now i can have great sex with the girl that i'm dating.
  14. Superadders

    Superadders Fapstronaut

    "My confidence with women is basically zero" - THAT is the biggest issue my friend. You need to address that. Work on yourself. Do things that make you feel good, that will boost your esteem. Work, exercise, hobbies, pursuits, travel, whatever. And when it comes to women, its a process. You need to get yourself out there, face your fears and approach lots of women.

    Thats exactly what I did. Over 2 years ago, I was virtually hopeless with women - very little experience. I realised it needed to change so I went on a personal mission and journey to push my boundaries and coldly approach countless pretty ladies at day and night. Literally hundreds and hundreds of women. And yes, hundreds and hundreds of rejections. Its the reality and part of the process. Conversational skills, body language, flirting, escalating, creating sexual tension - it all takes practice, practice, practice. Im now at a point where I have the confidence and ability to approach a random woman at day/night, escalate and take her on a date (or even kiss/sex on same day). I have had some mind blowing experiences because of continually persisting and pushing myself.

    The fact that you have lasted 67 days nofap is encouraging and demonstrates you have good discipline (my longest streak is 7 days). Get out there and take action, push out of your comfort zone, interact with LOTS of women and work on your inner game and confidence like its a never ending journey.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2017
  15. Sc8r51o1n

    Sc8r51o1n Fapstronaut

    Hard tone incoming:
    So you know it all! You are a smart guy who knows it all and rejects others opinions, but is also asking for motivation.
    "you cannot learn a thing you think you know" - poets if the fall

    Story mode:
    I lost my virginity at age of late 22. The way to get there was to change my thoughts via daily and nighty affirmations, just like those shown in the Secret and similar movies.
    And it clicked because I was looking for evidence that it works.

    You on the other side know too well and look for evidence that thoughts don't matter and you find them.

    So change your attitude.

    And from my experience, I confirm what everyone else told you here, as truth.

    Interesting, we have even a pickup artist here.
    Reborn16 likes this.