So this is what Day 60 Feels like?

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Noland, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    I made it. I'm finally on Day 60. 60 Days ago, I cried manly tears to myself. Why couldn't I change? Was PMO forever in my life wheher I liked it or not? Did God plan for me to be this miserable forever?

    These were the thoughts that plagued me on that very day. I had just lost my highest streak of 15 days. Before that I couldn't even reach a week of not fapping. My life felt like it was in shambles and no one even noticed. I don't even remember the last thing I fapped to. TBH it was probably something that is pretty degrading to women. Shame on me right? I prayed hard on the same couch I relapsed on.

    (Before continuing, click on this link and let the song play in the background).

    "God, why me? Why are you doing this to me? I'm always trying so hard to quit. I'm nice to people. I help people. I pray everyday! Please make me quit this. Please. I'm begging you. You know what? I don't want you to make me quit. I want you to help me quit. I just need the motivation. Please. I just need your help. I don't want to be the same person anymore. I don't want to live the way I did before. If I can quit this by making it to DAY 30 this time. DAY 30. Please bring me good fortune. I don't want to deal with the same girls I've been dealing with. I want a Christian girl. Someone who can be by my side as I achieve my goals. I want to become great in what I'm doing now. Please, if I can do this, help me achieve all my goals and help me become great."

    Sounds selfish right? At least I end my prayers with thanking Jesus for dying on the cross to pay for our sins, but that's another story. It was my motivation. It was what I needed. Right after that prayer around midnight June 1st, I found NoFap. 6-7 days later, I gave in and created an account. I became NoLand.

    A lot has happened since then. I guess you're going to have to tune in to my journal to find out. >>>>>>
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
  2. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey Noland, I don't think it's selfish. I think everyone deserves to become great at what they are doing with passion. Everyone deserves joy.

    "Why me?" That's a tough question to answer. I like to think of this as a chance to see a bigger picture. To learn and grow. Taking it as chance to break free of addiction and follow our scheme of life.

    Maybe we needed this addiction to cherish real life again and find back to our roots. Maybe we needed this dark place to see light again.

    Congrats on making it to 60 days! Amazing!
    Higherself, Noland and Buddhabro like this.
  3. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I don't think you need Christianity.... (says the Druid - haha)
    No, it's good to put your faith in something.
    What do I know?
    I'm with a atheist.
    I was with a Roman Catholic.
    It's to each our own.
    The secret is, we are our own perfect fit.
    Love yourself first and love will find you.
    It will never be ideal or what you want or what you are looking for.
    It will be what you need.
    As long as you are open to it.
    Dating is easy, relationships are take work.
    Do it in that order, OK?
    Message me anytime my friend.
    Higherself and Noland like this.
  4. 60 days with no PMO is huge. I got a long way to go but it was re connecting with God that gave me the strength to begin to pull away from this. You're doing great and you're a great example to the rest of us. Take your time and keep trusting in God.
    Deleted Account and Noland like this.
  5. Awesome man! Keep up the good work!
    Noland likes this.
  6. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    I've definitely thought about that! People that I'm around are always saying "She's so hot, or I can't control myself around this girl" and in my head, I'm just thinking "Good thing I don't think like that anymore." I have more control since struggling through this issue. I still get thoughts like them, but it doesn't last for too long. I'm starting to become the person I wanted myself to be :)
    vibemaker likes this.
  7. Vman363

    Vman363 Fapstronaut

    Great. I'm 21 days in, cant wait to get to 60 days and see how I feel then!
    Noland likes this.
  8. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    Although I'm a Christian, I feel like I'm fairly open minded and will take advice from non Christians. You always give amazing advice anyways. Thank you so much friend.
    Kenzi likes this.
  9. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I truly wish you the best in life and everything you do everyday!
    vibemaker and Noland like this.
  10. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    The fact that you're on here means that you're already doing so much. Do you know how many people in the world have this addiction and doesn't even realize how much it's harming them? You know how long it took me to even realize it was an addiction? You're doing so well man. Thank you for your encouraging words, but I want you to make it to 60 days as fast as possible so I can return the favor!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    You could feel one of two things.

    1. You could feel amazing and on top of the world. You'll be like "Omg how did I even make it here? I'm so lucky."

    2. You'll feel like it was so easy and that you'll easily pass the next days with ease. Careful though, because if you let your guard down, it's wraps.

    Or you can feel both. The second one is dangerous. I'm having mood swings so I feel number 1 at one second and number 2 the next moment. Either way, you'll do well! Great job!
  12. Thanks. I have no doubt we will all be free of this if we stay committed. This verse helped me tremendously and I hope it helps you too.

    18Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a man can commit is outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. 19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.b
    1 Corinthians 6:16-18) Stay strong and God Bless. At 60 days you need to reward yourself.
    Noland likes this.
  13. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    Thank you for that. Whenever I read something about sexual immorality, I have a lot to think about. A lot of disappointment, but a lot of room for change.
  14. nadjibmarcusaurelius

    nadjibmarcusaurelius Fapstronaut

  15. Ryan Veitch

    Ryan Veitch Fapstronaut

    God/gods/FSM didn't inflict this upon us. We did. So it's up to us to get ourselves out of it.
    Noland likes this.
  16. YoungVro

    YoungVro Fapstronaut

    Wow, that is awesome. I found myself wrestling with the same questions: "Why me God?", "Have you planned my future to be this miserable?", "I've tried so hard to quit, so why can't I get this tribulation out of my life?". I learned that surrendering myself to God and asking him for help is the best way to get that motivation. He will always make a way. Honestly, I came here because I was hopeless on my current 15 day streak. On the verge of relapsing, I saw the experience you had on your 15 day streak and am now more determined to persevere through this and make it to 30 days. Thank you for sharing your story. God bless you bro!
    Noland likes this.
  17. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    Wow dude! I'm glad I was able to help. Such similar stories. When you realize that someone somewhere has the same prayers as you and are in the same situation, it just makes you want to work even harder to show that you're not just another person asking for what they want. You meant what you asked for and you're going to prove it.

    Prove it dude. This journey is for the people who truly want it. I believe you're one of those people.
  18. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    I feel like there were a lot of "outside sources" at work, but maybe I'm just crazy lol.
  19. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    I brought the negative energy into my life. The withdrawal is payback. I'm paying back my debt. I have many payments left. It's my fault.
  20. Ryan Veitch

    Ryan Veitch Fapstronaut

    No, not crazy. Just human. The hardest battle we fight is always with ourselves. It's easier to blame everything else and if the "influence" cannot be defined and therefore targeted, we do not have to do anything about it.
    I am not a conventionally religious man but I do believe. However I have always felt that this world is a testing ground of sorts for our souls. Everybody at some point has been addicted to something or the other. It could be ice cream, could be PMO or it could be the PS4. The point is all addictions are bad. Because it is a subversion of a natural impulse into an insidious, controlling obsession that disrupts other parts of your life.
    I don't believe M or O are bad. They are natural behaviours and there is a reason they exist. I am more ambivalent about porn. Personally I think it is highly degrading. I have noted elsewhere that during my PMO phase, I noticed that every female porn star is inked and pierced. Yes it is probably self-expression but given that every porn star seems to have it, I have often wondered whether it is an expression of their own inner pain thanks to this industry. But we live in a free world (mostly) so to each their own.
    The point is we cannot control the presence or absence of porn or any other addiction-inducing substance in our world but we can in our personal lives. True victory over an addiction is when you can see or smell or even taste the object in question and not feel any desire to continue. I managed to do this with alcohol and I feel no desire to return to whatsoever. Even when my friends offer me a glass, I decide if I want to have it or not. Usually my answer is no.
    Taking responsibility for your addiction, that your behaviour is the result of your own poor choices, is the most important step to overcoming it. Otherwise you have a convenient excuse for everything.
    Noland likes this.