Tired of the emptiness.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Shadow man, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. I'm a 32yr old and I have been addicted to porn for as long as I can remember. I was never lucky with the girls in fact I saw what women can really be like. as a man that only stands 4'11 and very slim, girls where out right vicious they degraded me and laughed at me since elementary school so my porn addiction began. Over the years I have found my wife and had three kids but the addiction was always there. My wife has been unfaithful before we got married but i thought that was all being us. just a couple weeks ago she told me she wants to be with another guy(she knows this is a fantasy of mine) then she says she is no longer attractive to me. I have given up hope and letting her do what she wants but we both agree no divorce. I know I'm going to get alot of flack for letting her do so. since she found someone they have talked about doing things i have always wanted from my wife. not sure what to do other than the obvious. For ten years I have felt empty lack of being desired even if I move on I feel that no other girl will even give me a thought. How do I get over this cycle of porn and being unwanted by wife and excepting loneliness?
    Bestfootie1 likes this.
  2. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Dumb question why no divorce? Please don't say for the kids. The best thing my parents ever did was get a divorce. We all get along and are there for each other.
  3. Zirün

    Zirün Fapstronaut

    Alright, you have to "man up" and face the reality you're in mate, and not "let it be".
    What is happening between you and your wife isn't an acceptable thing you should tolerate on yourself, nor let it apply on her.
    You have to seek what you really want, talk with yourself about it, then have a big talk with your wife, because the way it's going, it will certainly not end well, especially for you.
    So you have to stop being a spectator of your life and act in it.

    Once this is out of the way, you'll have to focus on yourself, know yourself and improve yourself.
    You are still young and with an unexploited potential.
    1. Learn about fitness, learn about nutrition, learn about good sleep habits. (Google)
    2. Create something. Creating come in many forms : arts, music, dancing, whatever you're interested in. Your goal in life shouldn't be only your wife.
    3. Meditate (or pray if you're religious) to face yourself and your feelings to see that whatever you're going through, it's not an impassable obstacle.

    Hope this helped you out, you're not alone, we're all here to support each other, but it's up to you to chose to take care of yourself first.
  4. WuTangFinancial

    WuTangFinancial Fapstronaut

    PMO will continue this cycle of pain and self-destruction. A big step in overcoming PMO is realizing you ARE worth it. You have been stuck in this cycle for many years and have programmed your brain to want PMO and habitually told yourself that there are no alternatives for a better life. As the gentlemen above mentioned: You MUST take control of your life instead of being a backseat driver. You have the power to change yourself, the real challenge during times of weakness is willingness. Well I can tell you right now, you are here, you shared, you reached out to others, I think the willingness is there. Step by step things will improve if you structure a bit of discipline in your life.

    Also, fantasizing about a person who does not care for you only causes you more harm. Real exploration is mutual and enjoyable for all parties involved. This person sounds poisonous to your potential and you should address that in yourself.

    Welcome to NoFap brother, I hope you find what you need here. Good luck on your journey.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Perfectlyuncharged26

    Perfectlyuncharged26 Fapstronaut

    I'm the opposite.

    I always had girls interested and I'm pretty good looking. I still got addicted to PMO. Now coming out of it.

    Today marked 17 days clean though I went to a strip club. Dumb ass move now I'm wired up with all the images back in my brain.

    The reason I post here is the distinct emptiness I feel with everything. Nothing compares to that raw feeling of existence. Yes we all know it's fucking fake, make believe and destructive, but at the time nothing beats that feeling when it's a good one. Other things - being healthy, fit, productive, good at work, a good bloke, trying to connect with Existence, etc are all far more meaningful pursuits BUT nothing compares once we've wired our brains for 15 years on broadband high speed PMO.

    How can a mortal man be strong enough to fight against that pull of PMO in the moments of weakness, sadness, loneliness and depression in particular?
  6. BravePenguin

    BravePenguin Fapstronaut

    Shadow Man, I feel your pain. I hope all is well with you on your NoFap journey. PM me if u need to talk.
  7. this 90 day thing works, I did it before, as I started pmoing more, I literaly felt my brain go like a limp carrot. your until is not the only thing that goes limp, when you pmo. but don't worry, you will be amazed after a 90 days, or some where down the road , after no pmo .
    Bestfootie1 likes this.
  8. oh yes it does. it may take a year