Really trying to stop cyber and online erotic roleplaying.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Apr 29, 2017.

  1. Hello all. First time poster.

    Apologies in advance for how long this is going to be, but I think I should tell you all that’s going on in my mind about this.

    I just turned 29 years old and I believe I am slightly addicted to cybersex and the role-playing that goes along with it, and believe it's getting in the way of my free time. I often log on to anonymous adult chat rooms and become simply engrossed in chat-based sexual role plays. Since I like the storytelling aspect of it, and prefer stories that are deep and detailed and that take a while to tell and build, my sessions run an average of three hours to sometimes like five hours. Four hours is not uncommon. If an RP was building for an hour or so, and the person I'm chatting with leaves, I'll often start another long, detailed story with someone else and begin again. I am masturbating intermittently the whole time as the erotic tale unfolds. At the end of the story, I will finish and then go about my day. Unfortunately, I have lost three to five hours of my day in doing so.

    I enjoy it immensely (obviously), but cannot deny that I am often doing it against my own interests. For example, I woke up early yesterday, like 5:30 or something, and instead of thinking "I should go back to sleep", I signed on and RP'ed until I had 15 minutes to get ready for work. I made it for work on time just fine, but, as expected, I was tired and dragging all day long because I didn't go back to sleep (not to mention that I didn't eat breakfast, so I was all hungry, and then had to buy breakfast and lunch out, which was costlier and not as healthy as if I'd made something for myself in the time I was RPing.). Contrast that with this morning, where I don't have to leave until 12:30pm. I woke at a normal hour, and I signed on for just an hour, my mind overpowering my emotions. I am currently baking my lunch, preparing breakfast, working on a project, and sending e-mails. All things that need to get done and I wouldn't do upon RPing. (Of course, I am delighted to be doing all of these tasks!)

    With working full time and handling everything myself and trying to chase a writing career, I have become somewhat possessive of my free time, always conscious of it, making sure to use it as wisely as I can. Writing, reading, studying, errands, healthy meal prep, and leisure time are the objective, and I believe these RPs are sucking away a lot of time for those things. (I partially think I am addicted to RPs so much because it is writing and storytelling).

    To make sure I was spending my free time wisely (and not wasting it on dumb stuff), I actually tracked my free time activities with an excel for a few months. It was startling to see just how much I was RPing, and how much time it was robbing from me. For example, last July, I RP'ed it for a total of 40 hours. (That was 29.58% of all the free time recorded. Nearly a third of all my free time. And the same amount as a full-time work week! Geez!). I actually did it for three days in a row that month (208 minutes, 224 minutes, and then 220 minutes respectively). Every time I do this, it's like I am losing 4 hours of my time when I could be doing something better (probsbly could have read a book or two in that time). Later that month I see I signed on for one minute before thinking better of it (good job!), only to do it for 6 hours the next day (ugh! Six hours!). For August I recorded 28 hours. November was 36 hours.

    I have tried many things to try and stop. I'll go for a couple days and then relapse. An intellectual understanding of "Hey, this isn’t your best interest, you're wasting time!" isn't enough to stop me from staying for hours. The only thing that seems to work is masturbating to something else right when I log on.

    As long as I am off-and-on masturbating during the RP, I am "in the mood" and can I sustain that for the necessary hours of the RP. But once I finish, I couldn't care less about RP or anything sexual at all. A few times, when my excitement for RP and my logical brain are battling inside, I will just masturbate to a video or image (or just my imagination) and finish within like five to fifteen minutes. The desire for RP is nowhere to be found. I did this last Monday (I have Mondays off), jerking off in the early morning and then enjoying a WHOLE DAY. I seriously relaxed and napped and got so much done and didn't RP at all. It was incredible.

    When I do this, and just ejaculate ASAP, I will often set a timer for four hours ahead. In four hours, amidst my task or whatever I am doing, the alarm will sound and remind me that my RP would have just ended had I stayed. I am always astonished at what I have gotten done in that time, and helps me realize what a sheer, colossal time-suck an RP is.

    So that is where I am now. Wanting to quit, but doing it still. Knowing it is bad and wasting tons of time, but finding it hard to be pulled away. Note that I don't want to end fapping completely, which is under control, just this particular avenue of time-wasting sexual arousal.

    Any ideas of how I could greatly reduce the time I spend doing these RPs or cut it out completely? Anyone else ever dealt with this? I'd appreciate any tips or help! Thank you!
    JesusSaves, Kyostaa, eadgbe and 3 others like this.
  2. I know this is a late reply of when you posted this but I am just seeing it now. I am very sorry and I actually have the same exact story as yourself. I know you probably won't read this nor do you probably post here anymore but please feel free to reach out to me through private message.
  3. TheProloguist

    TheProloguist Fapstronaut

    Seems like you love creative writting and these fantasizing processes. Why don't redirect those creative urges to some other meaningful writting/storytelling projects?

    You should start focusing on making some of these stories 4 real too if you know what I mean :p

    This makes me remember a guy on a forum that discused about prostitution and whore reviews, and that guy made really eloquent descriptive and detailed reviews of his sexual experiences. He remenbered every single line of the conversation. What a sex geek hahah.
    ThomasV likes this.
  4. Thanks for responding to my call for help, both of you. I have reached out to you in a message, StraightEdge3616. :) In responding to TheProloguist, I do indeed love creative writing and storytelling. That is what draws me to RP. And while I do have other projects, this one claims dominance because, well, it's sexually arousing. Other writing simply is not (as it not about sexual things).

    I did think of a way I could monetize it, in such a way that myself and a regular player could play out our scenes, save them, and then later "novelize" them into short stories and sell them as erotica. But that would take looking for a partner and dealing with money and business and all that (also, doesn't seem like a good way to not get over the habit).

    Seems like I can either get over it, or monetize it in the way I described above. If I could, I'd love to get over it. I'm still struggling with it, though.
  5. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Any particular type of role play
  6. TheProloguist

    TheProloguist Fapstronaut

    I think it's time to get a little more grounded and spend less time on fantasy land.
    A spiral of detachment and loneliness...

    I do have a multitude of interests, I never intended to be a writer, my interests circle around technologies, web development, webmastering and product/system design.

    But I do have an idea that has been growing on me since my early teen years, writing and artworking are the tool to achieve it.
    I've been battling to get a .com domain, that represents the brand name of this concept story. I already have the .net. And last year I had a missed chance and for my misfortune a domain squatter grabbed this deleting domain in microseconds. The domain is now listed for 4k $ and 4 years ago it had deleted but I didn't believe in this project so I just delayed and it eventually got registered by someone else.

    I have a base reality concept written in 10 pages.

    I daydream with this almost everyday for many years, my parents that I live in a world of my own, they're probably right

    I didn't want to be a writer, in fact writing has never been my strength, I'm portuguese and languages had never been my forte, I was always the worst student throughout my middle school in "portuguese" subject.

    Writing is a tool to represent my vision, if it isn't for this idea I'm probably never gonna become a writer. (At least for fiction)

    But I'm still stuck at university in a Computer Science related area. It's not CS but Information Technology (IT).

    Focus in one solid idea / concept, an alternate reality / reality system. And live that alternate reality that you'd like to live. Simulate and live the realities of those character whether they are male or female. They will become your new friends.

    Forget writing. Writing it's just a tool. For example if you want to create a new trend or technology. Forget coding. You know the basics. Focus on that alternate reality. Envision it. Don't wander too much on little disconnected pieces of different stories. Create a single main alternate reality. And focus on that development.

    This way you can feel more focused in a writing venture with a solid purpose that consistently grows on you.

    BTW my username represents a "shadow" character of this story. It's me.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
  7. Hello everyone. Thanks for replying. To Drew140: There ins't a specific type of role play that I play, and the vast spectrum is what is so exciting. You go into it and you could be playing any character in any situation. The sky is the limit, really. You could even go into history, or fantasy, or science fiction. Anything. This is another tantalizing part about it.

    I did well today, I think. I could have done it, and even logged in, but reasoned that my time would be better suited to other tasks I had to get done. I logged off after a few minutes, and then went about my day and accomplished many things in the time-frame it would have taken to RP (like working on my career and stuff).

    Very interesting post there, TheProloguist. Not sure I understood all of it, but I'm happy you seem to have a vision in mind about what you want out of life. I have one too, but need to shake this bad, aforementioned habit of mine so I can maximize the speed that it will travel to me.
  8. Nouvel Homme

    Nouvel Homme Fapstronaut

    Welcome. My problem was very similar to yours, and I think there are in fact lots of us for whom chat rooms were the issue, not porn. Chat rooms are so much more addictive, as they are interactive and you can build your bespoke fantasies into the conversation

    Like you said, chat rooms absorb an enormous amount of time to build up the right chat. In the past this has not only taken over my usual daytime activities, but also eaten into my sleep, which is where it no doubt started affecting my mental and physical health. I'm sure you're familiar with the sensation of seeing hours go past, of missing meals, of going til past midnight, or even chatting until the sun comes up! How stressful and awful the next day is, with the exhaustion, and the fear that you won't be able to cope with what that day will throw you. Sometimes I felt like I wouldn't make it.

    However, I cannot deny that some of the conversations I had were immensely enjoyable, to the point that I was shaking and couldn't breathe properly.

    My advice is to set up blockers (K9 or SelfControl, or both). But I also like your idea about reminding yourself how much more we can do in a day! There is also that gentle but deep satisfaction of doing wholesome activities all day.

    Feel free to start a private conversation with me.
  9. Hello Nouvel Homme, thanks for responding!

    You hit it right on the head. The interactive quality of RPs and the boundless limits make it something hard to not come back to. In your post, I saw myself. Yes, the hours and hours going by (one of the old sites used to have a minute counter and it'd just go up and up and up). Night changing into day. I've missed so many sunsets. You've ever ended and RP and it's like 2pm, and you realize that you've blown the whole morning? And yes, I've also experienced the tired days after a long, late-night RP. Not worth it.

    Like you, I've also had some amazing RPs, and I think that perhaps it just adds to the addictive quality. It's like gambling in that way. Will I hit the jackpot today???, so to speak. "I must search, search, search for the next great RP, I know it's out there!" That sort of thing. I've seriously built up and RP for like 90 minutes with someone, and then they bail for some reason, and then started a whole new one from scratch. Oy…not good.

    I've set up blockers before, but just end up turning them off (although I will have to look into the ones you mentioned). I would have set up a blocker and had a friend or someone do the password, but I feel like my friends would get suspicious if I just had them type in a random password only they knew. And I've told no one about this except for this thread right here.
  10. Also, just tried to start a private conversation with you, Nouvel Homme, and it said I wasn't allowed to. Go ahead and start one with me if you'd like.
  11. @Nouvel Homme , I have also tried pming you in the past since we are going through the same thing! But it said I couldn't. Would love to have someone else to go through this with, me and StoptheRP also help each other out. You can try PMing me if you want since I can't PM you.

    Thanks bro.
    Raymondo84 likes this.
  12. There is a broad misunderstanding that the things you are talking about here - sexual chat rooms and erotic roleplaying - are not porn. That is simply untrue. All these things are porn, plain and simple. This is part of your porn addiction guys.
    Raymondo84 likes this.
  13. DeltaMeansChange

    DeltaMeansChange Fapstronaut

    I have to wholeheartedly agree with IGY. Roleplaying in chatrooms was a huge part of my PMO addiction, and like you I used to spend hours on them, sometimes even pulling all-nighters just to find that "one perfect RP", as you described.

    You have to completely cut them off. They are absolutely considered pornography for our purposes, especially since they help you get off.
    Raymondo84 likes this.
  14. eadgbe

    eadgbe Fapstronaut

    This. My problem was with webcams tho.
  15. Kyostaa

    Kyostaa Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. I'm glad I found this post, because I can relate to it as well. I can even try to guess which websites the OP refers to.

    I've used to spend hours in such chatrooms, discussing ideas, creating characters, meeting people, masturbating for hours without orgasming, to the point in which my penis would be sore and hurting from the inside. Sorry for the graphical description but it's true.

    Even today, 42 days without accessing it, I simply get these weird fantastic ideas of characters and situations I'd like to play as. Which is all very frustating. Each time, after finishing it off, I would be left numb, empty, disoriented, and hurt. I would ask myself "where is this road leading me to?". I had to plan the periods of time in which I'd be playing so my wife wouldn't notice my sore skin or my lack of sexual drive.

    In my experience, it seems to me that I entered these websites in search of a very special kind of attention. I wanted to feel desired, I guess, and to be felt like that I would wear any mask just to hear a bunch of lies in a screen. The thrill was simply too much: more than once I had my hands and legs shaking, heart racing and gasping voice.

    I like RPing as much as any tabletop RPG player likes. I play regular DnD with friends and it's super healthy. The problem is not in RPing per se, but in the content. In this particular website I used to enter, I would browse though an infinite amount of characters, each one with its own fantasies and drives. As time went on, I felt like I became more acceptable to things I wouldn't be weeks before. Disgusting, impossible or forbidden stuff. Which is simply ridiculous.

    I think it might be even worse than porn in some aspects. When you watch porn you are actually watching real people have fake sex. When you RP, it's all fake. Your sexual gratification comes from something, like, metaphysical, lyrical, devoid of existence. Empty.

    Which also shows how powerful a brain can be, I guess. Hope you manage that well if you intend to write books as you stated. Drop me a PM whenever you want!
    Raymondo84 likes this.
  16. Chudmeister

    Chudmeister Fapstronaut

    I had that problem too, I was able to kick it pretty easily, mine was on a computer when I was younger than it moved to Kik. If you talk on your phone as you do it and you have a Droid phone out your account on someone's phone so they can monitor you and what your doing
  17. OzTheBear

    OzTheBear Fapstronaut

    I'm in the same place kinda, except not as addicted. I know I'm getting addicted so I've cut it out, and trying to stay away from it.
    It has taken up a lot of my time as well. Sometimes I wake up at stupid o'clock and instead of going to sleep, I go on my phone. Anyway, I'm trying to just go cold turkey and quit like I did with P.
  18. Raymondo84

    Raymondo84 Fapstronaut

    Hey All,

    I am not sure this thread is still active but I am going to give it a try because I am struggling with the same issue and this is the only source I have found in my searches that relate to my problems. It's funny, I had to double take when reading the original message that started this thread because I thought it might have been me, it was the exact struggles I experience and word for word the same problem! The only difference is I never posted here before but on reboot nation instead.

    So... I just finished an epic cyber sex session and as is the common trait in all the above responses, I feel awful about myself. I've wasted most of my day, missed appointments and haven't taken steps to do anything productive. I'm 37 from the UK but living in Germany and I have been struggling with this issue since I was 29. After a very difficult breakup, I found a site (no longer in existence) and have been doing this on and off since. I dread to calculate the hours I have lost in the pursuit of this bad behaviour and it is time to stop because I am wasting my life and time is too precious.

    I am dubious as I type because I know I have been here before. I really do want to quit but I don't have the strength right now to do this alone. There is so much more I could say here but basically, I need support. I feel isolated with this issue and I am scared that if I don't stop, I will be alone forever. If I don't quit this habit and find a way to manage I am going to ruin my life. I feel so awful about myself.

    I hope everyone else here is doing well with their recovery and if you are reading this, please feel free to reach out. I hope to support others just like I need support.

    Good luck and take care.

    D x
    Julian5 likes this.