New generation

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Survivor12, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Survivor12

    Survivor12 Fapstronaut

    I was just thinking that the new generation being born now are the ones being born with 'technology'. I mean consider us ( by that I mean the 90's kids) we were already there and then technology came , these little punks are born with it. Yesterday I was skyping with my sister and she told me that my nieces who is 3 btw and my nephew who is 5 are already addicted to the iPad . I was like wth? She says they get so cranky and pissed off if they don't get their iPads or don't wach YouTube streams.
    Weird as heck I mean I remember playing outside . Having fun and what not. I don't remember being indoors that much and these kids are just losing the real essence of childhood. Makes me scared to think how soon will they be exposed to this filth?? I mean one way or the other they will be.
    It's just a thought I had.
  2. Survivor12

    Survivor12 Fapstronaut


    Yup. I do blame her and the dad. Her argument was that well mostly the region where she lives it's more winters than summers but nevertheless it's the parents fault . However I was searching about this and the statistics speaks that kids tha days as young as 7-9 have cell phones and laptops with them.I'm just saying either parents need to set a limit because this world is advancing way too fast with technology.
  3. I worry too about the future generation (Gen Z) who keeps using technology at a younger age. I mean if people thought that the technology use by millennials was bad, I shudder to think about technology use by Gen Z. The parents should take responsibility. With all this VR porn and increasingly accessible porn online, the parents have the greatest responsibility to ensure that their kids don't become addicts.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2017
  4. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Has anyone noticed that new houses don't even come with yards?
    The new developments and people who build them (don't know if anyone goes to town meetings) actually argue that people don't need them anymore because kids aren't going to go outside.
  5. Let get real, half of millennials are a disgrace to humanity and technology. People nowadays have been focusing on technology more than creativity and it's sad.
  6. Survivor12

    Survivor12 Fapstronaut

    Technology has pushed out creativity fro,mothe mind. It really s sad. Also also, it's the education system, man I would blame them when ever I can.
    SilentJay313, Third_Eye and Taylor25 like this.
  7. I totally agree with this. I was in China once and in a restaurant there was a mom with her little son and a half eaten pizza. The son was on the tablet and his mom on her laptop (or the other way around. Idk exactly anymore) and they didn't even eat.....or talk together for that matter....Just seeing that I was like: "Nope."
    I got my first smartphone when I was 15 and I heard other kids get them like when they are 6 years old or whatever...

    What did I learn from school? Not really anything which is useful for my life later. What do I remember from school? Almost nothing because it was mostly sh*t I'm not gonna need for my future life anyway. Felt like a waste of time.
    The most useful things I learned are from teaching myself things I really AM curious about.
    Taylor25, Millenial and Quiver like this.
  8. This is why technology DON'T MEAN MOTHERFUCKING SHIT.
  9. Yea I think its parents , but thing is how can you hide your daily interaction with your own phone from your kids. They will be much curious to use it.
  10. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    Most kids are too lazy, and too brainwashed to do anything else with their lives.
    RedPillRebooter and Taylor25 like this.
  11. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Kids watching other kids play with toys on YouTube, when they could Themselves be playing with toys... Is the equivalent of grown men watching porn when they could be having sex instead.

    Just saying.
    Has nobody else noticed this?
  12. FOS

    FOS Guest

    I think it's just part of what we call "civilization". And it depends on us to choose what we would preserve
  13. Third_Eye likes this.
  14. Albert Anderson

    Albert Anderson Fapstronaut

    I agree with you my friend.
  15. Very much noticed. The "tablet/phone/tv" have become a child's new nanny, friend, and guide. It's something my ex and I noticed with her kid. He would watch YouTube videos of other kids playing video games. I talked to her and we both agreed the tablet and tv had to be regulated, so we turned them off and stashed the tablet. Then he was enrolled into soccer, TKD, summer camp, and other activities. I would also take him down to the school to play, ride his bike, or we would find a trail and hike it. It didn't take long either to see a huge shift in his behavior. He wasn't as impatient anymore, angry, or throw as many tantrums. He now primarily plays outside and has a group of friends who do the same.

    I think the best way to help these kids is for parents to get unglued from their devices and the kids will naturally follow. Sure at first they will be kicking and screaming, but after a while that will end.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2017
    Taylor25, Quiver, Kenzi and 1 other person like this.
  16. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Son of a Bitch likes this.
  17. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    Don't worry about other people's business, worry about yourself.