So much Sexual Energy. What do I do?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SoulEvolution, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    As of recently I have been experiencing ungodly rush of sexual energy. It's unbelievable.
    Even after having worked out at the gym for 2 hrs in the evening. I'm unable to sleep, I'm stay awake on bed, as late as 2 am. During this time I keep dreaming/ thinking about my immediate and long term future plans. But, sometimes I get the thought of asking out a girl out who WAS my crush and thoughts of making out with her. This disturbes me, as we are good friends and she just wants to be friends "FOR NOW"( whatever that means). Result of these, Morning wood or wet dreams.

    How can I transfer or direct all the IMMENSE DESIRE into something productive? How do I channel it ?
    Connor21 likes this.
  2. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    Doing a hobby ;)

    I actually know the problem with not beeing able to sleep when I didn´t move that much during a day.
    Also try to stick to a sleeping routine, so your body knows when to be tired.

    Are there any sorts of activities you ever wanted to try out?

    Once you have something, you can try learn and become better in what ever you´ve found, making progress equals happiness, trust me.
    Make sure that consuming something is less valuable than producing something, so if you put extra energy into video games...well...:rolleyes:
    I Free I likes this.
  3. I find the best way to overcome temptation is to improve my willpower during times when I'm not tempted so severely.

    So for example, I'll take cold showers every night and wear a snap band. The snap band is key for me because if I'm even slightly tempted, I'll snap that thing.
  4. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    WOW !! . What a perspective!!! True thinker.
    Thanks, bud
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  5. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    Creative approach.
    Good on you, sir
  6. fuck that girl. I am a girl and If a girl says that just fuck her, friendzone for life don't waste your time with someone who doesn't want you the way you would like. concentrate on greatness, on your real life goals :emoji_muscle:
  7. Sex is not everything. Connection between two souls is also very important.
    What you think?
  8. I meant to forget that girl. I agree totally with what you said
  9. I've been struggling with this for days. Idk if it's the heat or both but I can't sleep and I'm not as hungry as I normally am. All I can think about is interacting with females and it's killing me hahahahahaha
    SoulEvolution likes this.
  10. Apologies, I misinterpreted your comment.
  11. SoulEvolution

    SoulEvolution Fapstronaut

    Oh my !.. I was unsure. But, having heard it from you made me DECIDE to act. Thank you dearly.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  12. PrioritySystem

    PrioritySystem Fapstronaut

    Dude let me tell you something, I know that feeling. Do you feel it in your chest? Does it feel like your chest is about to explode? It's an amazing feeling. Let me tell you the following: you cannot imagine the great things you can do with that energy.

    You probably do not realise this right now but you have a lot of magnetic power as we speak. You can go to a random place and hang around and have fun. There's nothing they can do about it.
    SoulEvolution and Connor21 like this.
  13. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    Same bro! Every time I push through though i'm just proving to myself that I'm good enough.

    Something I've done is learned how to invest. It can be really fun, time-consuming and financially beneficial! I think it teaches you the same lessons as nofap. Just download the Robinhood app and learn everything you can!
    LTMBB likes this.
  14. Robinhood app? :emoji_hushed: