~Currently 8 Months in of NO PMO REBOOT. Ask Me Anything!~

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mateo89, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Hey Boys,

    So I wanted to take some time to provide any information for guys who are just starting out who may have some questions.

    Bit about my Journey here:
    Severe Porn addict for 8 Years, first started my journey early 2016, but didn't get into a long streak until towards the end of the year and into 2017. Been clean for 7 months now. I am 26 years old.

    I've been through and experienced all the Ups and Downs of the reboot, the flatline, the withdrawals, the rewiring pains, the rewiring benefits etc.

    All questions will be answered with a combination of my own personal experiences as well as any knowledge pertaining to the science of the REBOOT I know thus far.
    My estimated Reboot Completion date is 15 months.

  2. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    What is your method for rebooting? Did you get rid of wet dreams?
    llortaton likes this.
  3. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    i didnt really have a method really but i can list a couple key things that helped.
    1. i educated myself on the science behind reboot. how our brains become wired to porn and the stages of reboot. it really helped me to know what was going on in my brain when things were getting tough.

    2. faith and constant affirmations. i would tell myself everyday im healed, i am great, i am worth it. constantly feeding positivity especially during days when things were not going well. over time you build a sort of mental fortitude.

    3. ambition and desire.
    i knew in my heart i had to get thru this reboot if i was going to get anywhere in my life. ive got a lot of things i want to do, so i thought about it daily and let it fuel me. master urself, master the world.

    4. quit all social media, fb instagram, youtube etc. it was just a minefield of triggers and a colossal waste of time.

    5. really focused on myself. i spent alot of personal time in reflection, learned to say no. and find out what i wanted in life.

    6. meditation

    as for wetdreams, it currently has not been an issue for me, but ive read from other rebooters that cold showers before bed and not arousing urself prior to sleep can help.

  4. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    I know there is a lot that goes into a 90+ day streak. What do you think was the most important thing though that helped you get that far?
  5. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    persistance and faith.
    a lot of failures. a lot of mistakes. it took me a year of trying until i was able to really get the right mindset, attitude, wilpower whatever u wnna call it to get past 90.

    recovery is a journey and isnt a one night overhaul. it took me years to get to rock bottom so i was ready to invest however long it took for me to get to where i wanted to be.

    i made my recovery my number 1 priority and put 100% of my effort into it. i learned from mistakes, i did my research and battled thru the tuff times. and slowly over time my wiring improved enough to where i could go longer and longer.

    so my best advise is to not be so hard on urself when u fail. dont binge and give up. pick urself back up and keep going.

  6. Jesb

    Jesb Fapstronaut

    Are you cured?
  7. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    a big thing i want to add is doing your research on the science of reboot and rewiring our reward system.
    when i was feeling like crap i would rationalize my brain was undergoing withdrawals and is a required stage i need to undergo to be recovered. i envisioned what it would be like to be free from addiction, a healthy brain, motivated and fulfilled and that motivated me during tuff times
  8. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    no, i estimate ill be 100% by 15 months. but at 7 months the worst is definately over. all of the reboot symptoms are wayy more manageable now, and im starting to experience rewiring benefits, like more energy, better mood, confidence etc. but i would say i will continue to see improvements up till 15 months.

    stoneyman22 and llortaton like this.
  9. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the tips! Yeah, i've been doing this dance for a few years now. I've improved myself a lot but haven't gotten to 90 yet. I know im close to breaking through tho.
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  10. Prasanna23

    Prasanna23 Fapstronaut

    Iam in day 4... What are the benefits if no PM for 180 days
    llortaton likes this.
  11. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    people talk alot about the "benefits" of quitting pmo, and i think this idea is commonly misunderstood.
    the simplest way i can explain this, is you feel how ur supposed to feel when ur not drugged up on pornography. u will feel the benefits of quitting a self destructove habit.
    heres an example
    if an obese person who was addicted to junkfood quit junk food, what would be the benefits? extreme weight loss, stabalized mood, stabalized health, better confidence, motivation etc.

    its no different with porn. it is a destructive habit so obviously if u quit ur gnna feel better.
    but other than normalizing u back to ur factory settings, there isnt really any "benefits". but in comparison to how u felt while u were addicted it will feel like a world of a difference, especially if u havent ever experienced it before.
    because i was severely addicted for a while it took me 6 months until i noticed thesr positivr changes. and i also went thru a long flatline and felt like shiet most of the way. but i cant express how worth the journey was. ill list a few positive changes so far
    1. increased energy stamina
    2. increased confidence
    3. look better, feel stronger
    4. libido coming back more consistently

  12. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    What are the hobbies and the habits that helped you during your journey?
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  13. LawSkies

    LawSkies Fapstronaut

    1. what would you do if you feel very aroused?

    2. i'm working at a university, so there is a lot of students ofc, i mean female students and i think u know what i mean
    how or what method do you use to ignore "them" (hot female students) with great curves and tight clothing.
    i've already try to ignore them i mean i always trying not to looking at them, but it just can't last for 3 days (really not looking at them) and the rest i will tempted to look at their body, and yeah i will end in porn videos and then relapsed.

    sorry with my english, big thanks!
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  14. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Early on my reboot:
    1. Doing as much research as possible on the science behind reboot and addiction recovery. Yourbrainonporn, rebootnation etc.
    2. Posting almost daily on the NoFap forums, on my experiences, and expressing my thoughts
    3. Wrote down my affirmations and goals.
    4. Developed a Kik group for No PMO called alphamale, and posted it on the forums. it has grown up to 50 members as of today and has been incredibly successful.
    5. Prayer
    6. Healthy eating
    7. Relaxed as much as possible.
    8. Daily journal logging my moods and thoughts

    Later on in my reboot
    1. Exercise
    2. Meditation
    3. Reading self improvement books
    4. Vision Boards
    5. Socializing
    6. Preparing for life after reboot

  15. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

  16. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Something I found that worked really well for me was this.
    Visualization and Misdirection.
    --Instead of focusing my mind on a girl I saw was super attractive and submitting to that urge. I would purposely train myself to look away. I would close my eyes and visualize myself in my million dollar mansion, feeling like a king, and just uplifted myself and made myself feel super powerful. I would say affirmations like, "I run this place, Im a king," and it really gave me a sense of control. After I would do this, these "girls" didn't have as much of an effect on me. Rewiring yourself to be in control, not being controlled. Being the dominator, not the submitter. Alpha male.
    --Sometimes you got to do the opposite of what your used to, in order to attain something uve never gotten before.
    --If it ever came down to a point where I've decided to relapse (which was rare), I would at least make the effort of practicing mindfulness and doing purely MO with no fantasy, just touch. But only absolute worst case, and NEVER porn.

    stoneyman22, Buddhabro and LawSkies like this.
  17. IamRick

    IamRick Fapstronaut

    My question was answered by someone else, just wanted to say thank you for this thread @Mateo89, I got a ton of great ideas from it especially that part about normalizing ourselves back to factory settings.

    Keep doing what your doing man, your a great asset to the community.
    Majik likes this.
  18. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Appreciate it, cheers

  19. Same here.
    Thanks @Mateo89
  20. Connor2507

    Connor2507 New Fapstronaut

    Since your first day of reboot, have you had any big urges that you had to fight off for the day or for more days ?
    Also, how soon should i be witnessing any big changes without pmo ?
    currently had an 8 day streak, and didnt feel any real changes, relapsed today.