Dopamine and just edging

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by nitsuj0786, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    Having sexual thoughts or keep thinxing about sex scenes(porn) or fantasies is olso edging.

    people allways thinx its only edging if you are touching yourself but its not
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  2. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    It's correct that PM is what produces the dopamine spike. However, it is not right to say that dopamine is the sole reason for addiction. Norepinephrine is also a culprit during PM.

    Orgasm, on the other hand, primarily releases seratonin and oxytocin. These are chemicals that invoke feelings of calm and tranquility. Biologically, those chemicals tend to bring a couple closer after sex. But in isolation, those chemicals can be used to sedate or self-medicate against feelings of stress, anxiety, etc., which make them just as vulnerable to addictive dependency.

    @nitsuj0786 is right when he says that PM are definitely addictive ... but he's wrong when he suggests that orgasm is not.

    For clarification, I do agree that prolonged edging is without a doubt much, much worse than a quick PMO.
    Hardboiled24 and nitsuj0786 like this.
  3. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    @Broken3 edging isn't the healthiest thing to do, just in general. Is he doing hardmode or just no pmo. I do no pmo but still orgasm to my wife because they are two different things. When you orgasm your brain kind of makes a not of what you are orgasming to. If you do it to porn then it starts to wire it to porn, if you do it to real women or men, whatever you preference, then it will wire it to that. When you orgasm to porn you get tired, brainfog, and some other things depending on the person. When you orgasm to a real person you may get some of those things at first, especially if you haven't orgasm'd in a while, but they don't last long and it stops later on so when you orgasm you won't feel any of those side effects. The thing about edging not being healthy, it can lead to prostate cancer if you do it too much, so just be careful.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  4. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    It sounds like he's not paying very close attention to the "M" part of "no PMO".
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  5. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    Perhaps I misspoke, orgasm does release quite a bit of dopamine. I think what I meant was most people on here are lured back in to relapse because of the PMing part of PMO. But yes the orgasm itself can be addictive and definitely release quite a bit of dopamine, at least more than a single video would in the brain.
    SuperFan likes this.
  6. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    I think it depends, if he is doing hardmode, then I believe it is no sexual contact at all, not another person or yourself. If he is just trying to do no PMO like me then Ming with a partner or Oing with a partner is fine.
  7. He's doing hard mode reboot in a relationship. Basically what we do is like tantric sex where he doesn't finish. He might get close a few times and have to slowdown and relax but doesn't O. He says he hasn't been sore after, his urges aren't unbearable the next day. Our sessions last longer and frequency is daily where before was only 1-2x/wk.
  8. No what I'm saying is he is getting close to O (aka edging) during sex w me but not finishing only I am.
  9. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Well, if it's providing benefits for you both, why question it? Although in my opinion, 'hard mode' always meant no sex whatsoever, even in a relationship ... but obviously every person in this battle has the freedom to define what recovery looks like for them.

    Daily sex probably isn't helping him much from a brain chemistry perspective, and it's hard for me to imagine his brain truly 'rebooting' with daily sexual activity. But obviously I'm not going to judge--you two are in a relationship and you have to decide what's best, both for the relationship and for each of you individually.
    Hardboiled24 and Deleted Account like this.
  10. then just ten seconds. I know it is hardm if you can not go thirty seconds you may need to g into no touching mode. get in touch with your inner emmotions instead, at the times you need to o, get used to the feeling. bare with it.
  11. Thanks I was looking for others thoughts/opinion/experience on it bc I just don't want to inhibit his recovery at all.
  12. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    WHY? If you get a orgasme inside a girl youre body gives you large amounts of REAL DOPAMINE HORMONS that will make you happy. it isn't the same dopamine rush like watching porn or masturbating ITS THE REAL THING.

    its like saying getting a better job, achieving youre goals winning a marathon is bad BECAUSE IT GIVES YOU DOPAMINE.. No not at all its a reward of something you seek and wanted.

    The problem is that most man are so adicted to porn and masturbation their dopamine cycle is just broken and doesn't work normal thats what we call rebooting getting it back on track. Thats where the big super powers come from the urge to seek woman the drive to succes "search for dopamine' because you don't get dopamine rushes.

    Sex olso gives extra hormons changes at youre body wich will make you more actractive. So sex isn't bad .. it can olso make the girl more atracted to you because of hormon changes. it brings you closer to eachother of you orgasme
    nitsuj0786 likes this.
  13. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    edging is literally torture and the reason for my recent relapse. Don't even do it.
  14. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    This is 100% false. There is no such thing as "real dopamine" and "fake dopamine." When you have a spike in dopamine/seratonin/oxytocin, your brain doesn't know or care if it's from porn or from a flesh-and-blood partner.

    Think about it. The reason porn is so addictive is because it hijacks a natural biological drive. We see a pornographic image and we think "oh look! It's a super hot, sexual woman who's ready to go!", and we get an erection. Our brain doesn't go, "oh, that's just an image on the computer screen," no ... our brains (and bodies) react as if it's a real experience.

    The reason NoFappers call it "hard mode" is because they're literally denying themselves any sexual release whatsoever. Most do it because they believe that gives them the best chance of truly rebooting their brain. I'm inclined to agree with them.

    Imagine if you had someone who was a compulsive alcoholic. He realizes he has a problem and needs help. He starts taking steps to quit. But say he's in a relationship, and drinking is one of the things they've always enjoyed--it's been a big part of their relationship. They have wonderful memories of drinking together, and as long as they were together, it seemed to be a perfectly healthy behavior.

    Now, if that alcoholic tried getting sober, but allowed himself to drink with his girlfriend, how much success do you think he'd have?

    Again--I'm not going to judge anyone's recovery, especially when the complexities of being in a relationship are there. You guys have to do what's best for you. Part of that is (both of you) deciding if sex is a bigger priority than his reboot. Part of it is (both of you) deciding if the relationship is a higher priority than his own individual goals for rebooting. There are no right or wrong answers to those questions--you guys just need to decide together what's best.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  15. This is incorrect.

    The speed of the rubbing or stroking of the penis may vary to navigate right to the edge of ejaculation. With orgasm control, a male can experience a longer or more intense orgasm, as well as a larger volume of semen expelled during his ejaculation. Because solo masturbation allows for precise control over the feelings, the timing, and the speed of stimulation, many people practice orgasmic control by themselves. One technique, commonly referred to as 'edging', involves masturbating up until the moment before reaching the plateau phase just before orgasm occurs, and then stopping suddenly before experiencing a climax. Another technique, commonly referred to as 'surfing', involves reaching the plateau phase and slowing down the stimulation to maintain a heightened level of sensation for an extended time. Repeating either of these techniques many times during a single masturbation session may result in a stronger, more intense orgasm.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  16. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    The thing with dopamine is sort of true and a little false. The dopamine itself doesn't care and it pretty much does the same thing but the brain does know the difference. Gary Wilson was asked about having sex with a real girl and if that would be bad for recovery. He said the entire point is to get your system back to normal so no it doesn't hurt having sex with a girl it actually helps. You will not get anywhere near the dopamine that is released during PMO and regular sex to orgasm. Orgasming with a real partner works out better for recovery. That is if you can have penetration sex. So the pathways can be strengthen with a real person during sex.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    That's fair, I guess.

    I can only speak from my own experience, though ... and in my experience, I've been able to use sex with a partner just as compulsively and addictively as I used porn.

    Obviously I don't think sex is bad in and of itself--quite the contrary. Sex is one of the best things in life. But I suppose I have to qualify it by saying that I think sex is amazing in the context of a committed, healthy relationship. If that's the scenario, then absolutely, it's healthy. But I'd say that casual sex--or worse, anonymous sex--are every bit as destructive as PMO and possibly worse, even though they involve a real partner.
    nitsuj0786 likes this.
  18. Yes except he is doing orgasm control during sex. We are married.
    Also an alcoholic is quitting drinking alcohol but not drinking liquids in general. He can still recover when drinking he can just never drink alcohol again bc he's an addict. You need to drink to survive it's a necessity.
    kingpietro likes this.
  19. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    I completely agree, it is healthy within a committed relationship. Because some people on here have gotten addicted to random sex with strangers and escorts. And that is when sex can be very unhealthy. So if anyone on here is thinking I just need sex to heal, that is not what I am getting at. I only speak of experience with my wife.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut


    Edging isn't something most people will do in moderation. The very nature of it is about excess. I think it's far worse and more addictive than regular old jerking to orgasm