I FINALLY did it!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Workingtoit, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Workingtoit

    Workingtoit Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone!

    Just a little back story here. Im 24 years old. Ive been masturbating since I was 12 or 13. I started feeling the effects of PIED and my porn use around the age of 17 or 18. and I've only been able to have successful sex (definitely not good sex, but I got it in) a handful of times.

    I never thought that there was a community out there that understood what I was going through. I am so grateful that I found all the amazing sites and read all the amazing stories that kept me going through all these tough times.

    Here I am, 30 days in!

    My motivation to write this is to try and inspire anyone that is struggling in the beginning and just needs that little kick in the ass.

    I was a lazy as hell, barely did anything, and had horrible social anxiety and actual anxiety. I had random depression, HOCD, I felt like I was bipolar. There was so many things going through my mind that I had no idea was being caused by porn.

    Now I just want to say, I haven't had sex yet. I am in my flat line right now which is pretty rough but I know I'll make it through.

    OK so now how is this a success story? I'll tell ya:
    -I've started going to the gym 6 times a week and got my eating healthy (down 12 lbs)
    -I've made at least a dozen more friends because of how social I am now
    -I'm EXTREMELY confident, and can feel people stare at me when I walk in a room
    -all mental health problems are fading (this is the best of all)
    -I dont procrastinate anymore. Laziness is never an issue. I mean seriously, I am here writing this at 6:30am, just finished my morning run and meditation...

    My morning wood came back 2 or 3 times in the last month which was exciting, and I just came back from a trip with some friends (guys and girls) and I was getting turned on by one of the girls there when we were play fighting in the pool.

    I just feel so much better. So for you out there, who think that it's gonna be tough for you to do it, just remember that there are SOOOOO many more things you can do to be able to take up your time. Take walks, go to the gym, pick up a hobby. You're gonna be so surprised when you realize all the things you can accomplish. It's almost addicting when you start getting out there and doing things you've never done before.

    Thats it for now- I feel like I rambled but I am so proud where I am now and so grateful for this opportunity to share some of my story with you- and I hope I will be sharing more if you guys would be willing to read.

    All feedback appreciated.
  2. Amar_Avinash

    Amar_Avinash Fapstronaut

    Very good! Kind of kept ignoring urges or what?
  3. Workingtoit

    Workingtoit Fapstronaut

    Yeah. I knew exactly what I wanted and every time I was about to relapse I remember the way I used to feel a month ago and I was afraid to go back to that. So that's my full on motivation.
    BullseyeChris and noonoon like this.
  4. Amar_Avinash

    Amar_Avinash Fapstronaut

    Can you elaborate bro.
  5. Keep this feeling & spirit.
    You've completed a 1 month & still a more to go to feel more happiness from inside.
    Stay happy & stay clean.
  6. Workingtoit

    Workingtoit Fapstronaut

    I wanted to have a healthy sex life. For the longest time I thought that was never gonna happen. I KNOW now that it will in time and I'm excited for that but for now I am just enjoying the process
  7. Workingtoit

    Workingtoit Fapstronaut

    Much appreciated brother.
  8. Amar_Avinash

    Amar_Avinash Fapstronaut

    Very good. I like this.
  9. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    Congrats on getting your life back! You can now start enjoying your clean healthy life.
    Workingtoit likes this.
  10. TheWarrant

    TheWarrant Fapstronaut

    Great post. I'm reading your piece and feeling as though our situation is comparable.

    I'm 18 days in and feel great. I don't have confidence that this knew lifestyle choice will help - I am absolutely certain it will. PMO is a drain on our masculinity.

    Sex and intimacy is to be shared with a woman. To share it with our hand and a pixellated image is damaging, degrading, depressing and unnecessary. Excited for the future. Best of luck with your journey.
  11. Patillitas

    Patillitas Fapstronaut

    @Workingtoit. Man, really interesting storie, I am living many same things, and I would like to know ¿ How did you do to delete laziness and procratination? That and PMO was the worst defecs in my life, these don't let me improve like a person and reach my goals. Success man!
  12. michealscofield

    michealscofield New Fapstronaut

  13. well done bro...keep going
    Workingtoit likes this.
  14. Spidermonky77

    Spidermonky77 Fapstronaut

    Dude!!!! That's so awesome !! You've encouraged and motivated me to press on and kick ass. I'm on day 15 and totally looking forward to my goal day 30!! Almost there !! Thank you!!
  15. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut

  16. perseverence24

    perseverence24 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on making it through your first month! Its great to see people succeed and turn their life around. I hope you continue to do great things and make it many more months.
  17. NIKHIL_123

    NIKHIL_123 Fapstronaut

    Bro !! i am constantly failing ,,,any depression i jst fapp it out .,..my longest streak was for 7 days......i cant keep it much,,,pls motivate me to do so
  18. Courage

    Courage Fapstronaut

    Fantastic!! I am celebrating with you on your progress. I am not there yet but will be on day 30 very soon. Keep the positive post coming, it is a huge help.
    Workingtoit likes this.
  19. Courage

    Courage Fapstronaut

    You can beat this. Stay with it. If others can do it i know you can as well. When it really gets tough take a walk or call a friend, look for anything to keep you busy. You are doing great just by trying to stop, many people just FAP and dont care but you are working to improve yourself. That is great, keep fighting.
  20. Travelfreeofmind

    Travelfreeofmind Fapstronaut

    You sir are amazing. After seeing your achievements(especially running in the morning and meditating), you have motivated me to never look back. Keep fighting!