Did anyone here actually cure his ED with nofap?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. That's good to hear @Pia501 . I am not in the stage yet to look for a girlfriend, but your comment gives me more safety that this project works.
    Atm I'm at day 10, and I don't really have the urge to meet women (even made out with a girl yesterday, but didnt follow that) But I hope this will change in the future. Why do I need to live in a city with so many girls but with my problem :D
  2. The Ox

    The Ox Fapstronaut

    Let me use myself as a case study. I'm 28 years old. I started masturbating when I was 11 or 12 years old and a few years later I got addicted to it. I masturbated pretty much daily and at times up to 8 times in a day. It wasn't until April 2016 that I decided to quit the habit.
    I have been PMO free for 372 days now but I still have ED problems. I have a girlfriend but I've never had sex with her because of the ED that I continue to experience. I have noted an improvement since I stopped masturbating but it's still not good enough. I do get hard sometimes but the pattern is unpredictable and this mostly happens when I'm alone. This is an obvious improvement from my PMO days when my dick was literally dead. But I still don't know if I'm ever going to be able to have sex. It's a nightmare for me at the moment.
  3. Damn that sounds depressing. How often do you try it? Do you get morning wood or other erections from time to time so its only sex related, or do you have a complete ED problem?
  4. The Ox

    The Ox Fapstronaut

    I do get morning good at times. And to be honest sometimes I do get somewhat of a full erection (rock-solid hard). The problem is that this doesn't happen very often - probably once a week and this is almost always in the morning hours.
    The last time I tried having sex was about 3 weeks ago and I failed miserably because I realized my dick was flaccid. I am able to get hard when I have sexual thoughts but this happens about 50% of the time and mostly when I'm alone. These erections are short-lived though and in most cases I don't get anywhere near a full erection. I'm just so disappointed because I can't have sex with my girlfriend, despite not having masturbated for over a year. My girlfriend and I would also like to get married but I don't even know how this would work out when I'm plagued by ED.
    Rolowo likes this.
  5. ontarius

    ontarius Fapstronaut

    Have you got yourself checked for underlying physical problems? This doesnt sound at all like just a nofap /psychological problem
  6. The Ox

    The Ox Fapstronaut

    Yes, I've been checked. I don't have any physical problem. My assumption is that I started masturbating at a young age and went on to do it for 14 years and my brain got used to that routine.
  7. The success stories forum has a lot of people that report victory over ED, maybe you can find the answers you're looking for in there?
    Readytomoveon likes this.
  8. Day 14 now.
    Had a dream where I was M, but stopped because I was unconsciously knowing I am on nofap. Lol
    Rolowo and EL88 like this.
  9. Rockyroad

    Rockyroad Fapstronaut

    From my experience, I could tell that my frequency and sustainability of morning wood and hard erections drastically increased during my longer streak of going 88 days while only MOing once (60 days PMO free). However, I relapsed a few times and got too much into dating apps. Now I am back in the flatline period.

    I do like that others have noted the possible issue of anxiety related to ED. Thus while making out, your mind is greatly focused on your erection strength... which only puts more pressure on yourself. I guess I am curious where performance anxiety ends and ED begins.
    Rolowo and Deleted Account like this.
  10. EL88

    EL88 Fapstronaut

    That's a thing for me as well. Despite my age (29) there are hardy any morning boners waiting for me in the morning. I m'ed four times in my p-free time and had about the same times sex. My problem isn't to get hard but to prevent to finish off after just seconds. I feel lots of pressure when having sex (masturbatint all by myself can take an hour), and that's making it worse...
    Rolowo and Deleted Account like this.
  11. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Here, I did recently. Though not only with nofap. I unwired from porn and regained my sensitivity with nofap but I had to have sex a couple of times. With each time my erections got stronger. I can satisfy my partner, so I don't have ED anymore.
    I'm still suffering from some withdrawal symptoms so I'm not done here yet.
  12. Day 17 now. I dont experience a flatline like last time, maybe its because of social media? I constantly find myself watching Facebook profiles (that I used to M to..)
    Should I delete social media?
  13. The Ox

    The Ox Fapstronaut

    Yes. You can do away with social media if it triggers you.
  14. Facebook deleted.
    Day 18 today and I was feeling very horny earlier today. No flatline, makes me curious.
  15. Day 19
    Urge was the highest today, kinda edged with instagram. Blue balls. Have to focus from now on
  16. Relapsed thursday in a dream to one of my triggers unfortunately.. wasnt really conscious about it, so a half relapse.
    Day 4
  17. Rolowo

    Rolowo New Fapstronaut

    Hey, broke. Any updates?
    I kinda have the same problem.
  18. Bigguy4u

    Bigguy4u Fapstronaut

    Same, this would be easier if my dick didn't work.
  19. Brown Boy

    Brown Boy Fapstronaut

    i m 26 years old nd i m goin through same problem for 6 years. i hv read so many successful stories of ed cured nd i hv decided to go NF hardmode for atleast 90 days
    lets hope for the best
  20. Brown Boy

    Brown Boy Fapstronaut

    thanks for sharing this bro