Why Are You Conservative? / Why Are You Liberal?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. Quite a number of us in this forum write about ourselves being conservative or liberal, so I thought we could share why we have the views we have.

    Some questions to think about:
    Has your upbringing influenced your views?
    Has PMO / NoFap caused you to change your views?
    Have you ever changed your views on certain issues?
    Would you ever change your position?
  2. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    This is a lazy way of avoiding deep thought about what your personal viewpoints are, or an admission that you simply don't know enough to be able to characterize your viewpoints.
  3. _soul

    _soul Fapstronaut

    First, to answer your questions:

    1. Yes, didn't have a happy childhood. Everyone around me made decisions instead of me.
    They think that they helped me, but they crippled me instead.

    2. Not that I know of

    3. Yes, many times

    4. Of course

    I think that I am conservative because I don't like to "push" myself and my opinions in front of people. Most of the time, I try not to let my emotions get the best of me.
    That is my main problem, keeping emotional control and my stress levels low. And that is very hard, considering the pace of life nowadays.
    If there is a stress presence, my brain can't function and just shuts itself down. In a situation without stress however, I can talk openly about pretty much anything; considering that I know anything related to the topic.

    If I don't know anything, I'll just say it. End of story.

    What is a person, basically? It has eyes, nose, mouth, ears... and a few other things.
    When it comes down to it, we all have flesh and bones underneath our skin.

    Am I not correct?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Hi I'm a liberal.
  5. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    It doesn't make sense to consider oneself a liberal or a conservative. Everyone naturally has some conservative opinions and some liberal opinions. If you look at all the so-called "conservative" or "liberal" stances of a major political party (if there are 2), they don't even go together. Yet somehow they can convince the masses that it makes sense to hold all those particular beliefs. And in a two-party system, one can always blame the opposite party if something goes wrong, so it serves as a scapegoat and deflects attention away from the problems with their party, while making sure they will always have around 50% of the seats.
  6. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    I agree with you. There's truth to what you say but I'm one of those rare people that's actually a real liberal. ( by American standards)
  7. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Ok, so let's say that you are truly liberal on all the major issues, which I doubt (since some of the supposedly liberal positions are logically incongruous). Do you support the American democrat party? I could give a very long list of abuses by the party.
  8. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I think it fair to say that people can give a general description of the way in which they view the world. The problem is one of 'loaded' language, where general terms tend to be identified with one particular political position, and then that is contrasted to its binary opposite and 'other'. It's the simplification of language, which is no doubt required for the indoctrination of the masses. Opps, did I just reveal my conservatism?
  9. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    That's a good question. In my view, a real liberal actually dislikes the Democratic Party, especially the modern version.

    So yes, over all I dislike the Democratic Party
  10. Daniel_W.

    Daniel_W. Fapstronaut

    I am conservative. My upbringing has definitely influenced my views. PMO / NoFap has not caused me to change my views. Have I changed my views on certain issues? Yes, I used to be very liberal. I would not change my current position.
  11. This whole left vs right discussion is just a distraction. People keep arguing over the same old issues and keep being distracted while the elites do what they want in the background. Do you know that the debate questions for presidential debates haven't changed in about 30 or 40 years? We should stop fighting amongst ourselves. It's divide and conquer. You keep fighting while they keep getting sending more wealth to the top.
    NoBrainer likes this.
  12. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    Because liberals are sissies.
    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  13. I could have had the title as 'how do you think the nation and the world should be and how should people think and why do you think that?' but I think it's easier to use the word conservative and liberal instead. I didn't want to use the words 'political views' since conservatism and liberalism goes beyond politics.

    The purpose of this thread isn't to label anyone, it's to discover why do people think the way they think.
  14. I did an online test and it said I was liberal, so I call myself liberal. I actually consider myself a centrist. Maybe even slightly conservative. But internet says I am not, so I think internet always knows best.
  15. I'm conservative, I support traditional views on family, nation and religion as well.
    And about saying that it's the loser's destiny to label themselves to something to feel that they are part of something - it's like they don't want to be a part of some bunch and that's why they seperate themselves and don't realize that they are becoming another bunch.
    Everybody is part of something. Every human has to use his rights of a citizen, otherwise someone else will use yours.
  16. Unfortunately, having read all the posts here it appears most don't get the purpose of the thread. The most important word in the title is 'why' not 'conservative' or 'liberal'. Ultimately this thread was a place to explain why you think your nation and the world should be a certain way.

    It may have been a mistake for me to have conservative or liberal in the title but as I said in an earlier post it was the be the best title I could think of. I didn't want to use the word 'believe' because some may think it was about religion. I could have used the word politics but I think conservatism and liberalism goes beyond politics. I would say growing up my family was conservative but politics was never discussed and I have no memory of my parents voting when I was young. The thing that made our family conservative was the rules we had and certain things we would do. Growing up sex was never discussed and was considered to be really bad, the only music we were allowed to listen to was classical (any other style was considered to be evil), makeup was bad and if my sisters wore it they were in big trouble.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2017
  17. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I am conservative in politics because I am orthodox in religion... but I am radical in philosophy. Somehow we are truly free in a circumscribed space.
    Headspace likes this.
  18. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I'm German and we have more than two big parties here. I finally have freed myself entirely from all the bias that came from ideologic influences or family tradition. This is already necessary because the political landscape is changing quite quickly. However, there will be elections in a few months, and I'm still completely undecided.
  19. Anyway, for me, I was brought up conservative, and as I grew up I became extremely conservative and what I would consider a result of my conservatism I became very arrogant and self-righteous. I showed no grace and had no compassion for anyone. I believed my way was the only right way. I didn't have time for people who thought differently to me. It was my belief that smoking, drinking alcohol, swearing, sex non-Christian movies and music was evil. I hated most non-Christians and also hated Christians who behaved immorally. If people were behaving in immoral ways they should be punished. I wanted the death penalty brought back, I wanted all addicts thrown in prison, I didn't want there to be any rehabilitation for prisoners. If someone had done wrong there should be no mercy. I thought people who had addictions were weak and I had no sympathy for them. I remember once hearing this man talk about how he got addicted to porn and I just laughed. I thought people who got addicted to porn were losers and I said to myself that there was no I'd ever get addicted to porn. Well, pride goes before a fall because about 4 years later I became addicted to porn.

    Being addicted to porn and trying to beat the addiction has really changed me. I've become less self-righteous, I don't look down on those who are non-Christians. Smoking, swearing and drinking alcohol isn't a big deal. Sex can be awesome if had in the right circumstances. Now I listen to music from artists with many different beliefs and watch hardly any Christian movies. I recognise that not everyone thinks like me and should be free to have a different opinion to mine. I know how good people can get addicted. I think people should be shown mercy because God has shown me mercy. People can change with support.

    In all honestly, I'm shocked that many on NoFap are conservatives. I guess we are all different and our fight changes us in different ways but it's still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact you can be a fapstronaut and still be conservative. I guess for some people conservativism and liberalism begins and ends with politics.

    The more I look at liberal politics the more they seem to show compassion. The more I look at conservative politics the more they seem to hate compassion. When someone says they're conservative I think that person is exactly like how I was. When I do this I have to remind myself that everyone is different. I have to remind myself that there are some good people who are conservative. But I would never support a conservative politician because I think at the heart of conservatism there's arrogance and self-righteousness.
    CSLewis_YBOP, r8js and Headspace like this.
  20. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Hmmm.... I suspected as much, which is why I posted the above. Conservatism is much more than what you are reading into it.