Help i have Rape Phantasys

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ozo, May 14, 2017.

  1. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    I have a big Problem.

    I want to be raped by a men.Because it is hard and humiliating.

    Im a men. I feel me sexually small.
    I feel me not confident go and talk with womens.
    I hate this.
    Can someone help me?
  2. Know that fantasies are nothing like reality. Make yourself better by doing no PMO for a long time, and eventually you will stop wanting this. I think in time if you practice talking to people you will get better with women, but first you have to rid yourself of these fantasies.
    noonoon likes this.
  3. That is a porn induced fantasy. Just stay away from porn and that will go away.
    noonoon likes this.
  4. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    This is the most difficult part.
    I have blocked all on all devices i use.
    Atlanticus likes this.
  5. ICDI

    ICDI Fapstronaut

    It sounds like a fantasy through porn in a sense you wouldn't have come across this sort of stuff before porn and porn does increase the chance of your tastes to change quite heavily which can result in you having an identity crises which I myself and otheRs are going thRough
    noonoon, Bel and Second_chance like this.
  6. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    When you ask yourself "is this what I really want?", it's likely that at this point you don't know for sure and that's what actually matters! Whenever you aren't certain that you want something or you get a bad feeling associated with a fantasy/fetish it means it's not real or enjoyable. Fantasies are not reality, hence their designation. Stop thinking about it, deviate your attention to something else and don't feed your sexual thoughts for a while, eventually they will disappear and you will feel normal again.
    noonoon likes this.
  7. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    Sometimes I think that it must be so and I deserve it.
    But I'm fighting against it
  8. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Give it some time without paying attention to it, you'll be fine. Good luck!
    Ozo likes this.
  9. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    I could not stand back and chatted again today. In a gay chat, with people who want to dominate me. I did not fapped . But I have no idea how I lose the fastzination about it. If I do not make it I feel bad and unconcentrated.
    Maybe it will be better with the time when I stay at NoFap.
    Must i reset the Counter?
    Last edited: May 15, 2017
    Atlanticus likes this.
  10. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    Op are your sure your not bi atleast ?
  11. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Sexual orientation has nothing to do with fantasies, specially ones that make you feel ashamed, there are many articles in YourBrainOnPorn that explain what happens to you after overusage of P and M. OP, you have to fight the urges off until they disappear and they will but you have to believe in yourself, you know it doesn't make you feel good, it's just your brain looking for more and more extreme things in order to get the much needed high.
  12. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    With the question whether I am bi or gay I have long been apart, I do not know the first attempt to implement the fantasy it was rather disgusting with a man.That's no fun. The big problem I think is that I have this Rape very internalise and I identify with it.
    Sex = I'm raped.

    I think it's just cool in my imagination. What is there for professional help?
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  13. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    Hey, guy!
    Opinions vary, that kind of chat is considered a P-Substitute and if you'd done M or O I'd said a reset was in order. As it stands, in my book, you can keep the counter, for now.
    Sooner or later, though, P-subs must either fade out and go or they'll lead to a relapse (or to S, about which opinions also vary)!:) Best of success!
    noonoon and Bel like this.
  14. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    First witch Book do you mean?
    or to S, about which opinions also vary what is S?Sex?

    I have acutally no idea how i can this P-Substitute fade out.
  15. He is not talking about a book (just ignore that).

    P = Porn
    M = Masturbation
    O = Orgasm
    S = Sex
    P/sub = Porn substitute

    A porn substitute is something very arousing to you, but not totally porn. :oops: Porn and P/subs will fade in time. The time it takes is different for each person. It may take 1 year. So, you need to stop sex chats. No porn stories, pictures or videos.

    You can recover! But it will take a lot of effort. Keep coming to NoFap for advice and encouragement. We will help you Ozo.
    Atlanticus and Bel like this.
  16. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    What can i do actually i cant stop that because i feel me bad if i don't do that.

    I make no p m no o but sex chat i must do. acces blocker do not work on mobilphone
  17. BigandBeastly

    BigandBeastly Fapstronaut

    You need to get some confidence, talk to a girl. Try your best to thing about other things and keep yourself busy and preoccupied until your deep into your nofap. Fight the urges until they vanish.
    Veeav likes this.
  18. You Must not do sex chat. This recovery requires self-control. It is not easy, but you must not do sex chat.
    noonoon likes this.
  19. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    What I find something bad my lust on womens is a bit weak. Think this also comes from these porn and chats.

    It is a difficult situation to completely adjust the previous one but do not immediately get an improvement in the desired direction.

    I notice that it slowly gets better with the fantasies weaker. Only weaker does not get away.

    No increase in the real world.
  20. Ozo

    Ozo Fapstronaut

    How can I tackle more?