Feeling suicidal? Before you give up, listen to this.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by HopefulChristian, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

  2. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Spoiler-ing music from now own so it doesn't crash the thread :)
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  3. Babe please fix that spelling mistake. My gosh...
    Star Lord likes this.
  4. That will help you for sure, if you like this kind of music:
    HopefulChristian and Star Lord like this.
  5. I disagree. Suicide is selfish. This is not the point of this thread. You need to leave
    Star Lord likes this.
  6. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    In helping me I help you :)
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  7. I feel like giving up. Yesterday I was about to mix pills and alcohol. Now I feel like giving up my NoFap streak. I have nothing to look forward to. No girls I can call to hang out. I am stuck in a hospital all day. I have dropped out from school. I feel like I am never going to recover. Faith in recovery was the only thing that kept me going. Now I have lost that too.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  8. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Dude. I still feel like you do even after my episode of wanting to give up.
    I struggle to enjoy things I used to anymore, it's a hard thing to cope with, feeling you can't be happy within yourself.
    But to try and understand my feeling I strip myself bare. I throw away what I want, and just think of what I have.
    In life living on hopes sometimes can have a negative effect, so until you are in the right frame of mind simply enjoy what you have.
    I believe in you.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  9. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    This is cheesy but have a look ;)
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  10. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    No matter how much someone hurts you, you will only hurt yourself hurting them in return dude.

    Forgive and forget, keep a clean conscious, be the better man dude. People who hurt you are not worth your time, even in revenge.
  11. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Look past the rage my friend...I was once enraged at people and life. It clouded my mind and made me see nothing but pain and anguish.

    Don't do it anymore dude, see past the mist and what peace feels like.
  12. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    This song still is proof that there is something worth living for. Sometimes music without words speaks the loudest.

    EDIT: This one is "musical medicine", too. It even says so in the song.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    Star Lord and HopefulChristian like this.
  13. Regardless of whether or not things get resolved you yourself can always heal with time and help
  14. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

  15. I respectfully disagree that suicide is selfish. Perhaps if someone dies on a whim, it might be. But how often does that happen. I have a broad experience of suicide and I would say that it is not selfish. Let me explain it this way...

    Coroners used to word their verdict regarding suicide as: "X took their life, while the balance of their mind was disturbed." It is not possible for a person to consider, correctly, the impact on others when the balance of their mind is disturbed. :(
  16. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    What about the people who jump into moving trains, often into the front driver window of trains. It traumatises the driver who has no time to stop the train and just sees someone die in front of them.

    Suicide is selfish if you have loved ones who want you to live or you commit suicide by the above example.
  17. Grow_out_of_it

    Grow_out_of_it Fapstronaut

    Since I'm from Mumbai India we have these local train to commute and daily basis and I've seen a lot suicides happening but I feel bad for the person riding the train who has no option because there is no time to think. They feel the guilt even though it was not completely their fault. Some of these people get traumatized and they just become numb. That really horrifying.
    HopefulChristian and Star Lord like this.
  18. true but I can still report you. I gave you a warning. Are you going to continue this discussion with me or not? "Suicide is wonderful" is a discussion you can have in your thread, not mine. Got it, snowflake?

    God Bless.
    Star Lord likes this.
  19. Oh I understand IGY. I just mean when people are back from a suicide attempt or considering it, that is when you step in. Not after. When you're suicidal it's very hard for anything uplifting to get through. Which is why I made this thread. And those who disagree with people living need to leave. I'm really glad you're still with us, IGY. Keep fighting
    Deleted Account and Star Lord like this.
  20. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut


    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017