Limp penis even with porn

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Markus_S, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. Markus_S

    Markus_S Fapstronaut

    Hey all!

    My name is Markus, 23, new here. Been looking for threads, but havent found simmilar.

    I had been PMO since 12yo and last year im noticing that im loosing erections even with porn? I just simply cant find video that turn me on (last 2 years i switched mostly to gangbang/rough), have 0 libido too.

    Do my problems sound like PIED, or not? Do someone had simmilar problems (hard to stay erect while watching porn)?

  2. Markus,
    This does sound like some form of PIED. You could try rebooting and see what happens. As porn addiction progresses, more extreme scenarios are needed to maintain the excitement level you got the first time you watched porn. It wouldn't surprise me if you've reached a point where even the most hardcore porn scenes don't do anything for you. I think you may be at the worst part of this viscous cycle, the part where it becomes a compulsion. I would strongly suggest considering quitting porn for good. I don't know if this describes your situation or not, but hear me out. You've taken it so far that when you PMO it's not even enjoyable, but you feel you "need" to do it regardless. In my case, I would browse and browse through countless videos for an hour or more, in a very apathetic, unexciting way, many times with no erection, or only an erection here and there. Eventually I would find something that turned me on, usually some extreme fetish. Once I came, I didn't even enjoy it and the guilt was overwhelming. Rinse and repeat. My libido was almost nonexistent as well. Also, since my early teens I battled dark, compulsive thoughts, and even feared I was a psychopath or a sociopath. After around 5 months of no PMO, I realized the compulsive thoughts were much less frequent and less intense. These thoughts started around the time I begin heavily watching porn and got worse as my tastes became more extreme. Quit it while your 23. Not only can it cause sexual dysfunction, but also emotional dysfunction. I'm 31 now and I wasted so much time on it. I feel it made me less empathetic and compassionate, and now I'm "catching up" as a human being. PM me if you need to.
  3. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut



    There can be different reasons for this.

    First, it can be that you have been hitting porn a bit to much. So yes, I would encourage you to start a reboot, and see if that helps.

    Next, depression can be the next likely medical reason. When you suffer depression, it's not just feeling sad or tearful. It can also be a situation where you start to feel numb or 'nothing' where even your favorite pleasurable things to do in life just don't feel good anymore. You may want to discuss this with a doctor, and they can run you through some questions to determine if this is the case or not.

    Finally, there are different medical reasons that can happen (beyond depression), that while less likely at your age, can still happen. Getting a doctor to give you the full medical panel for 'thyroid', blood pressure, hormone levesl, vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, cholesterol, and others, will cover if you have any of these conditions. It's always good to know those numbers, and where you stand on a yearly basis anyway. So visit a doctor, and tell them what you are encountering, and they can test everything to see if anything is out of place.

    In short, yes, do a reboot, but don't stop there. Get a doc to check you out, so that you can know if anything is holding you back.
    megaman85 likes this.
  4. SavageDeathclaw

    SavageDeathclaw Fapstronaut

    Look into kegel exercises. I suspect you spend most of your time fapping sitting and laying down. In actual sex you would be standing or kneeling. Years of fapping in this position will lead to seriously underdeveloped kegel muscles. However the pelvic floor is a small muscle and thus grows in a matter of months or even weeks with consistent training. they will help you have stronger harder erections that point straight or up rather than down. I seriously reccomend you look into kegel exercises and reverse kegels
  5. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    It happened to me back when I was watching porn and I am around the same age as you . I am grateful that I've healed from this but only by "not" watching porn at all ! Also No pictures, Fantasies, Videos, even sex and within a couple of months I felt back to normal again . I'm hitting 7 months this week and I feel better than ever ... Quit it completely & you will see results . Trust Me .
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2017
    newmann23, gogibasket and megaman85 like this.
  6. Markus_S

    Markus_S Fapstronaut

    That is so me! I also sometimes think that im psychopath, because im watching so disgusted videos. However im currently on day 43 day of no PMO.

    I think im not depressed at all. Currently maybe, because I think i hit flatline between day 15 and 18 (not sure, because i dont get erections). Now im feeling little bit lazy/tired.
    I saw some improvment during 1st week of Nofap (morning woods were back for a few days - 60% erection).

    Same symptomes as mine? Nothing turned you on and you were just satysfied jerking on pretty soft penis?
    Last year i notice that i just PMO because its some kind of "ritual", not because i felt horny or something. In the evening when i took a shower and brushed my teeth i automaticly took a poece of toilete paper, going in bedroom, jerk off and then fall alseep.
    However, day 43 of no PMO is here and i think im getting little libido back. Hope i will fix myself up /:

    Sorry guys for my english, not my 1st language :)
    megaman85 likes this.
  7. Congrats on making it to day 43! PMO is a viscous cycle that's very difficult to break. I think porn, especially the more extreme kind, does have a psychological impact. There are times I look back and cannot believe the way I acted, like it took over my personality. It definitely desensitizes you to violence and destroys your compassion. I completely agree with Freeee; quit for good and you will feel better than ever. There are so many reasons not to watch porn... it's not worth it.
  8. Markus_S

    Markus_S Fapstronaut

    It was not difficult to quit PMO at all, that is strage?
    I will go for 90 days and if i wont see any progress i will visit doc, i guess /:
    I rly try to be positive, but its pretty hard.
    Strange thig is that my ex-girlfriend wrote me msg yesterday if im up for a coffee next week. So what do u suggest? Going to take a coffee with ex is good for some kind of rewiring, or not?
    megaman85 likes this.
  9. I guess for every person it's different, but I found it hard to quit PMO. If it was easy for you, that's awesome! Just watch out for random intense cravings. I still get them from time to time. Going out with your ex-girlfriend for coffee is a positive step in my opinion. The whole point is to get away from the artificial stimulation of porn and interact with real women. I say go for it!
    Markus_S likes this.
  10. Tommy_0113

    Tommy_0113 Fapstronaut

    having suddenly no libido makes it extremely easy to quit PMO. If you can't get aroused, there is no urge to have a wank. At least that's what I found.

    Markus, how suddenly did you realise you couldn't get aroused or an erection?
  11. Markus_S

    Markus_S Fapstronaut

    I dont rly remember, because ive been PMO with limp penis for circa 1 year /:
    Thing is that i had nice erection when i was high (weed) and doing PMO. So i guess i tottaly f**** receptors, because when i was sober i couldnt get it up.
    I quit weed, quit PMO so i hope for the best :)
  12. JimmyJohn

    JimmyJohn Fapstronaut

    Dude! Definitely, go out with that ex. Take your time with things, and maybe open up to her if you feel like you can trust her and from there it should be a great way to get your libido back!

    Good luck Man!
    Vinek likes this.
  13. Vinek

    Vinek Fapstronaut

    How long have u been PMO free ? What changes have you seen ?
  14. Jay Anthony

    Jay Anthony Fapstronaut

    Hi Markus,

    DEF PIED, I had the same problems once I realised how addicted to porn I was. I couldn't even find videos to give me that dopamine rush I was so used to as well as having a limp dick when having actual sex.

    However, when I had completed 175 days of Nofap and had sex etc. All those PIED problems and limp dick action went away.

    Just stick to nofap and you should start noticing differences.
  15. Markus_S

    Markus_S Fapstronaut

    Yeah i would go, but she havent text me yet hehe :) Our relationship ended because she had to go in Brussles, coz of a job. We didnt have any conflict, but yes, im waiting that she writes me for coffee, because she broke with me, not me :)

    Been free for 61 days. 3 days ago i mastrubated - only imagining sex with ex, not porn or something :)
    Hmm, till now i can see that i can more easily talk to persons i dont know, more eye contact etc. But there is no significent improvement with erections. I get night/morning erections about 60-70% hard and by mastrubating about same. But those erections dont last long without stimulation - cca 10 sec.
    Nice to hear that you are fine!
    U said u had same problem. You couldnt find videos that gave u dopamine rush, but they gave you full erection right? So u had only problem with actual partner?
    So we have different problem i would say. Because i got no erections even with porn /:
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
    Vinek and JimmyJohn like this.
  16. alphamale2003

    alphamale2003 Fapstronaut

    Its definitely PIED I had the same problem. Porn screws up your brain and you cant stay hard. Quit porn and you will have normal erections again.
  17. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    At your age and based on your description I highly suspect PIED. Until recently ED was so rare for men under 30 that it was almost unheard of but now its skyrocketing and doctors believe it is due to porn. Very rarely do men in your age brackets have physical ED unless they are taking an anti depressant or have some health condition. Checking in with your doc can't hurt and maybe ask them for a referral to some counseling. The good news is yiu are realizing this while you are young and you have time to work it all out and have a very long fulfilling sex life. The longer you do it the harder it is to quit.
  18. alphamale2003

    alphamale2003 Fapstronaut

    Most Doctors don't even know Pied even exists. My Dr prescribed ED meds for me (that didn't work) because I had severe PIED
    Headspace likes this.
  19. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Agree totally. You need to find one that knows a lot about it. Maybe someone on here can help but try locating a counselor that specializes in this just google it and then read reviews. It's also fine to call too and ask if they handle thus type of issue. I had a doctor tell my partner right out he did not believe in PIED so yes there are lots of medical professionals that are not aware.
  20. Markus_S

    Markus_S Fapstronaut

    Thank god that there is someone with same story as me. Would you please write a little bit about yourself, how old are u, when did u notice ED problems, are u cured now, etc.? :)
    I will wait till day 100. If i wont see any progress, then i ll go to see a doctor, to make tests :)