
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 26, 2017.


Do you go to church?

  1. I'm member of a church

    20 vote(s)
  2. I go to church but not a member

    4 vote(s)
  3. I go to church now and again

    4 vote(s)
  4. Use to go but don't go at the moment

    7 vote(s)
  5. I go once or twice a year

    6 vote(s)
  6. Went once and I hated it

    1 vote(s)
  7. I've never been but someday I'd like go

    0 vote(s)
  8. Never been and never will

    6 vote(s)
  1. The pope is infallible, when he defines doctrine, and only under certain conditons. The pope is not infallible in all things, all the time. Also you're confusing infallible with impeccability. Infallibility is the inability to teach error and impeccability would be the inability to sin.
  2. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your explanation. The next thing I'm wondering is why there are so many statues/relics adored in the catholic church. It's all about praising God right? Not something made out of stone or wood. That's what Moses said at least
  3. These things are venerated, not adored, because they point us toward God and glorify God in the same way the Ark of the Covenant was venerated for its role in God's plan and because of what it represented. Did the Jews veneration of the Ark somehow rob God of His praise?

    A further explanation can be found here regarding the different levels of worship:
    HopefulChristian and Quiver like this.
  4. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Sounds reasonable. I'm out of questions for now. I'll message you when I got one :)
  5. No prob.
    HopefulChristian and Quiver like this.
  6. Godsrottweiler

    Godsrottweiler Fapstronaut

    The pope himself is not infallible. His teaching is infallible under certain circumstances. When he speaks 'ex
    Yes. It is called speaking Ex Cathedra literally from the chair. It has been done only a handful of times throughout history. Recently regarding Mary both her both her immaculate conception and her assumption into heaven.
  7. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Bro you sound like you're just coming down from a DMT trip.
  8. I've been trying to get the number to his dealer, but he hasn't shared it yet. :emoji_cry:
    HopefulChristian and Headspace like this.
  9. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I didn't mean to make fun of him though. The questions @thatoneguy123 asked are very legitimate. (And to be honest I would love to try DMT in a safe setting at some point, but that's a different story...)

    Your post has already been answered, but I just feel like answering and tell my own story...

    I went to the Protestant church as a teenager, and looking back it was just so... lame. The pastor was friendly and he was a cool guy. He drove into the church on his motorcycle once, but there just wasn't anything interesting about him on an actually spiritual level. The church itself couldn't satisfy any of my needs in that regard, so I ventured out on my own and found Asian spirituality at some point.

    So far I liked to go to church on Christmas, not because anybody is expecting it from me, but because I felt like doing it. When I went there last year, though, there was a pastor who sounded to me like she didn't believe what she was preaching herself. There was another, elderly woman who read out of the bible with a tone that seemed just so displaced; like she was trying to be "strict" or something. I can't really explain it, but it just sounded so wrong as well, I almost felt embarrassed for her.

    The Catholic church still has a sense of mystery, which is essential. It's like the blood flowing through its veins. While I'm sure the Protestant church will go down soon (or may be become a non-religious community which is more about social activity than believing in Christ), the Catholic church still might prevail for a while, not despite the things that don't seem to make sense, but because of them, because spirituality tends to transcend logic.
  10. IcyPenguin

    IcyPenguin Fapstronaut

    I used to go to church, but I haven't gone since Christmas. I suppose the reason for this is my lack of success as a student, and as a human being in general. I feel ugly, I feel depressed, I have anxiety, I procrastinate, I don't get enough sleep, I'm lonely, I'm not loved, I lust over things that I know I'll never have a fucking chance in hell of ever achieving, my grades have dropped, I'm addicted to pornography which has become more and more intense and I am addicted to video games. It is easy to blame someone else and I guess that someone is God. I pray and I feel like they go unanswered.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  11. Interesting viewpoint. Some Churches today really are like that where it's more of a social gathering than about spirituality and connecting with God. I don't know about the Protestant Church becoming non religious though that may be a lil extreme.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  12. BoiledEggplant

    BoiledEggplant Fapstronaut

    I have a more universal view on the subject matters being propagated in this thread. I believe worshiping in the mosque, in a Buddhist temple or a Shinto shrine are all exercise for the soul. That is of course beneficial to the spiritual individual who is either devoted to a religion or adopts a more alternative approach to spirituality.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  13. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    This world is filled with programs.. Social engineering,culture,tradition, ignorant belief systems, so many other programs that imprison the mind even when you come to a conclusion it was inspired by some belief system I think meditation and an open mind will help a lot.. And I think religion was probably the most unexpected and sneakiest form of mind control.. When you think about it we are just holograms created by God what's the point of taking a hologram to hell? I think the rabbit hole gets deeper than we think why does it matter if we do good or bad as if that has an effect on eternity.. I mean one thing for sure bad karma and good karma exists on the planet
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  14. Oh my gosh this thread :emoji_sob::emoji_sob::emoji_sob::emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_kissing_heart::emoji_innocent:

    I love you all! Let's talk about Jesus! :emoji_relieved:

    Sorry, a tad emotional:emoji_cry:
    I don't want to highjack this thread (and I totally will) so @me if you really want an response...
    You may hijack this thread though

    I'd love to talk with you all!

    God Bless!!
    :emoji_two_hearts: :emoji_pray: :emoji_kissing:
  15. I can kind of relate to you there. I wonder if I didn't fap if I would have any issues with church. I think I still would because I have my doubts and such doubts aren't related to porn or anything. But I still think my addictions have contributed to me not going. Everyone in church seems to be so righteous and I'm so unrighteous. I know Jesus is the friend of sinners but many in church make out that to be a Christian means to live perfect life.
  16. That is not a real church. Legit, literally, NO ONE is perfect.
    You should try to be live a holy life ok, it's not going to be easy but we should try to develop God's character in our lives.
  17. Reading this has made me realize that I don't want to go to that Catholic Church. While I think the current Pope has said and done some good things I don't believe any teacher of religion is infallible. I don't even think the Bible is infallible.

    Listening to the Russell Brand podcast this week makes me think I might go back to my old church. His guest Adam Curtis was saying, thanks to social media, we surround ourselves with views that we agree with and how bad it is that we don't hear the opposing point of view. So maybe I'll go back there. I mean do I just want to be in a church where everyone thinks like me? I'm still don't know, but maybe I'll go back there.
  18. Well I would love to read what you have to say @HopefulChristian I'm guessing you're a member of a church.
  19. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    I read the bible & pray everyday but haven't gone to church in a long time . I want to start going again... at least once a week .
  20. I never understood why so many have such an issue with the pope being infallible. I mean you're either following someone who is infallible or you're living as if your infallible. Either way someone's being treated as if they're infallible.