1. i can't believe it i made it to 30 days

    i am not gonna write a whole story but here's a summary of the 30 days :D

    day 1-3.take it slow man this will pass:)

    day 4.no urges wtf :confused:

    day 5. so many urges wtf :confused:

    day 6. insecurity and low self esteem :confused:

    day 7. i hate myself :(

    day 8. i feel a bit better :)

    day 9. why am i still afraid of socializing outside :confused:

    day 10. i hate myself :(

    day 11. small reduction in social anxiety:mad:

    day 12. feel like shit but little anxiety :mad:

    day 14. i love this meditation app it helped me get through to 14 days :p

    day 15. only 15 days left man take it one day at a time never think of the days ;)

    day 16. extreme social anxiety:(

    day 17.small anxiety but high depression:confused:

    day 18.woke up earlier than usual :)

    day 19. remembered the old days was depressed :(

    day 20. wet dream :eek: which i think was caused by accidentally looking at a few pics

    day 21. depression like never before :confused:

    day 22. social anxiety attacks :mad:

    day 23.talking to ppl is so easy ;)

    day 24.ease in anxiety :)

    day 25. made it to 25 days which was my google counter goal. meh feeling :)

    day 26.high depression attacks :confused:

    day 27. critical levels of depression always thinking about the old days :(

    day 28. felt better than usual i miss the rains :)

    day 29.gained muscle throughout these 29 days and it feels great however those little instances of social anxiety still bug me but i socialize pretty well lol :).

    day 30:emoji_cloud_rain::emoji_cloud_rain: . I made it and it rained cats and dogs last night it sure feels great. last night i felt like a beast lol but they disappeared in the morning. i was busy today and i had those annoying instances of social anxiety that don't leave me alone. but other than that i was extremely social and far less depressed. oh and my confidence is steadily rising :D:D:D

    it feels good to scratch and claw to freedom. one day at a time guys you don't know how much i struggled :( i used to be so happy and energetic and fearless and now look where i am. i do admit there were a few triggers here and there both online and the brain but now i feel much better :D i will scream freedom once i am fully cured and i will do it in front of everybody!

    don't let this filth! absolute filth! known as porn judge your life guys it destroys lives both in their disgusting industry and your lives hate it, despise it and loath it, life will be much more easier once you're free

    it's gonna be tough guys. it's gonna be tough do lots of meditation and take lots of cold showers guys they'll help alot if you need help meditating ask me :D

    i hope we make it :)

    Vinsent likes this.
  2. Varthix

    Varthix Fapstronaut

    Keep going man! I'm on 5 weeks and trying to make it on day 90! These symptoms are totally similar to mine. Good luck!
  3. Big_Boss

    Big_Boss Fapstronaut

    Day 30? Me too!

    Congratulations mate!

  4. thanks bro :D
  5. Words of wisdom! Cut out sugar and processed food and dismiss all sexual thoughts! Those 2 things contribute to social anxiety brutally!
  6. i normally eat canned beans with tomato sauce and canned tuna. is this bad for me
  7. bro pls reply is canned food bad for me
  8. Varthix

    Varthix Fapstronaut

    No but I definitely would try to be more spread out in your eating habits, maybe go for some protein
  9. but isn't canned tuna filled with protein, i usually used to eat natural cooked beans with beans soup and blended bananas,milk,eggs,oats and peanut butter for extra protein my diet used to be healthy don't know why i stopped.

    but i did eat meat and lots of meat. natural btw

    i think bread is the problem
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
  10. also what kinda foods do i avoid

    sorry for bothering you :)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
  11. Misha

    Misha Fapstronaut

    You're my hero :D. Most of people are writing like "I can see through the walls, I can fly and breath underwater" wheras through all challenge you had anxiety and depression and anyway u did it! Congrats! Keep us updated and I hope after few weeks more anxiety will disappear!
  12. i hope so too bro

    never ever forget to meditate whenever you have an urge
  13. download the headspace app bro for meditation
  14. Misha

    Misha Fapstronaut

    And what about anxiety and fear? I am totally not able to focus last days and months.
  15. 1.avoid sugary foods
    2.get a gym membership(optional but recommended)
    3.eat right
    5.take cold showers(freezing)
    6.always look up
    Varthix likes this.
  16. As someone who has heavily researched the link between diet and social anxiety, I will tell you that eating sugars or processed food is a very big contributor to your social anxiety.
    Try Paleo Diet for 2 weeks, you will know what I'm talking about. Many doctors and professionals profess that diet and social anxiety has a big link.

    I, myself have tested it and I can definitely tell you that it is true.

    NoFap combined with a healthy diet will definitely eliminate your social anxiety a lot!

    And on other side, dismissing all and every sexual thought that comes into your mind will give you a really relaxed, calm and sharp mind.
    Combine those 3 things, and you will feel so good like you have never before.

    Now, sugar withdrawal is a little brutal so give it 1-2 weeks before you see tremendous result.

    Look up Sexual Transmutation (no masturbation, no porn, dismissing all sexual thoughts, not looking at womens ass or chest .... of course you can have sex).

    Canned shit doesnt grow on trees so aint natural
  17. thanks dude what if i eat cooked natural food meat,milk,fruits and vegetables and oats how about them

    also i don't usually drink tea only water but do these processed foods have sugar