Hard time rebooting

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by luskos, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    Trying for about half year now with very little success.Best strike so far was 17 days.Then I've felt the first real urge.All fails before that and even now are out of habit.Diagnosed with paranoid schizofrenia, which can be wrong as it was given the diagnose while was under effect of drugs and I had real mental meltdown.Not sure what it was.Probably some design drug.I had friends that cared so much for me everytime I tried to stop using so I can continue.Ever since the meltdown I'm extremely anxious.Crowds scares me.Roominating a lot.I was average smoker but became heavy one.Every try to socialize normally fails badly.I don't know why I'm doing PMO anymore.I feel I've watched every hardcore shit there is.I only fear not to find something forbidden.I mean real fear that's like shadow over me constantly.There are some bright moments when I actually feel normal, and then boom, I remember some fear of mine and get anxious again.Everything I try fails because it's really me that fails to commit.Even knowing what it's at stake I can't.Confidence at sub-zero level.Willpower very low.Tried to put all kind of defences when online the problem is I can't be accountable for my own actions, I'm the key holder.Talked to my best friend about the nofap community but he isn't taking it seriously although he is faping too and I tried to make him part of the group and make him accountable for me.I need opinions and advices how to boost my willpower.I've tried cold showers and I like it.Meditation helps a lot.Since I started my thoughts are not like scrambled eggs anymore.My real problem is willpower to comit.Please help with advice or even with few words.Cheers!
  2. Fringe

    Fringe Fapstronaut

    im diagnosed schizophrenic too. i kinda feel like me and ur story are a lot a like. mental meltdown while on drugs. i tryed to quit fapping on my own 10 years ago and failed miserably. if u want to i could be ur accountabilty buddy. nofap seems to be the only way out of this hell
    Fourtyeight and luskos like this.
  3. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    WIthdrawals sometimes take willpower away and there's no magic cure for willpower to stay forever with you unfortunately. It's all about try new things and new ways out. Like you said you asked your friend for help; maybe asking someone who can understand you and your problem and the one who is willing to help you even at 3 am at night is the best bet. AP is the best person in real life who can help you stay on track. Do you workout, stay busy, jog/run, write a journal everyday? These things can greatly help too. Meditate more, perhaps twice a day is better than 1 long session a day. Good luck!
  4. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    On 8 day now.Motivation is little low already.Because already want to meet a woman.So used to PMO and having it hard for someone.The brain does not recognize if that someone is just a bunch of pixels on the screen.I've noticed some social boost, not all the time.Yesterday was hell.Watched some videos on youtube and my guts was hurting for hours.Almost forgot to meditate.Probably i'm again on day 0 although there was no MO.It's almost impossible to exit fap mode, that's when I fail.Thinking about stoping but it's like some wierd autopilot that is saying "Watch more!You want this!".I've noticed something or at least I put some thought about it.Someone successful on nofap can comment on this...I imagine two selves.One is inner self of how you see yourself and one is the outer self of how other see you.When you are doing PMO these two versions are missaligned.Like distorted mirror image.And you are always wondering why people can't recognize your personality the way you do.
  5. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Look bro, im 27 years, i was just like u, im 23 days now PMO and its my 3rd attemp and im gonna do it this time, my previous streaks were 7 days and 10 days.
    I was also afraid of crowd and women, but i hit rock bottom when i couldnt get hard infront of a naked prostitute,
    She was laying infront of me with her legs open and i felt nothing and i was trying to get hard by thinking about porn and fapping, but still i failed, i couldnt get hard , that was the most embarrasing moment of my life,
    i cried after this incident, i doubted myself as a MAN,. i doubted my existence on this earth as a man
    and it was like , i hit the rock bottom after this.
    I started NoFap because i realised that no pain, no urge , nothing can be more painful than being embarrased infront of a woman of not getting hard, no pain is bigger than the embarrasement of not feeling as a man.
    Hence, no matter what happens, i wont fap ever . I will not do PMO ever again in my life,
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
    luskos likes this.
  6. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    Do not sit still bro!Once i get home as i'm abroad now working i intend to do some brain scan to confirm it's schizophrenia, i know it passed 5 years since and i probably should do that a long time ago, but it's a kind of a problem that you are not supposed to tackle yourself when there are Ph.D. studied about this for years.If your story is similar to mine and you missed a brain scan, which is supposed to be 100% accurate at finding brain structure anomalies aroused by this illness, please do it.If i find out that's not true about my case, it's gonna be so much relief.You know what stigma you carry with you all day long.How you are even supposed to tell that to a girl you like?"Hi, my name is Lyudmil and i'm short fuse bomb!"This does not satisfy me i hope you too.Stay strong my friend!
  7. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    @Haizam, thank you I think I've watched that.Long time passively watching videos before I ever decided to join the community.I know all the benefits.I know what to do.And how to do it.Why I want it...and so forth.Just my willpower need more training because of the damage from the years of lack of self control giving in to the urges.I might succeed this time.The timing is good.I'm in good company, have new roomate that is really positive and understanding.Wondered for years why I feel so low until recently find out that when I surrond myself with better people I feel less stressed.I don't want to count the days and I feel better when I don't.
    Deleted Account and Overfloweth like this.
  8. Overfloweth

    Overfloweth Fapstronaut

    Hey my friend. You mentioned in your first post about the beneifts of meditation but having difficulty with motivatation. I had this too but now have a regularly daily practice that I just cannot give up :) maybe I'm addicting haha but not to the outcome. Anyway, have you tried the Insight Timer app? As well as a timer, there's thousands of free guided meditations, plus you can connect with other people and groups if it helps. But even better than apps, is trying to find a local group meditation - in my town I have a few buddhist centres and also mindful therapy groups. Meeting and meditating with other people is just amazingly beneficial. Do it!!! Good luck bro.
    luskos likes this.
  9. Jojo man

    Jojo man Fapstronaut

    Interesting story n best of luck . Commenting on your last sentence, I was reading a article, instead of saying "I will not do PMO ever again" it's proven to be more effective saying "I don't PMO" by saying I can't PMO or I will not PMO it's like your punishing yourself n your brain which is going to increase your cravings and urges, something I was reading and congrats on 23days
    Ghost_Rider likes this.
  10. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately there is no such thing like meditation groups in my area.Recently watched a video that stated that real benefits come after you commit for long time.I was doing it every now and then, but now i'm practicing every night before sleep.At least 10min, but usually 15.Could reach 20 soon.It's just that i'm constantly thinking about time eventually and this thought is so distracting that i stop when the alarm goes.Once i forgot to press the button and the alarm didn't go on, so i meditated to the point when i felt so rested from my inner chatter just to find out that i was doing it extra 20min.

    Be well!
    Overfloweth and Awakening123 like this.
  11. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    There is an app called headspace which many use here for meditation and found it helpful.
    Overfloweth likes this.
  12. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    That's assuming I am in possession of android phone but that is not true.Currently my Windows phone is just one useless brick that is providing me with non filtered connection to the internet.I have one old Sony Ericsson that I'm trying to fix so I remove the temptation.It was always the phone I was using when I relapse because there is just no way of defense suitable for someone addicted to porn.I'm very happy with my network provider atm.3 UK is doing that for me.That's what I like in UK.This kind of problem is tackled by the government.
    Overfloweth and Awakening123 like this.
  13. Beastmode7979

    Beastmode7979 Fapstronaut

    I understand how you feel in all of this. I hard to break this addiction but you can do it. I am 3 months in and i still get urges. All I think to myself is I can't do it. I then lock into my "beastmode" mentality. It's my I got this and keep marching forward. In the last couple of months I've seen my confidence go up and even noticed a friend of mine flirting with me.
    Overfloweth likes this.
  14. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    I know this may be hard to hear cause I know what it's like struggling to socialize (I have social phobia) but I believe the best way to avoid urges is to be with people or busy doing something. I'm only just starting my NoFap journey so you don't have to take my word for it but a lot of others have said being busy and around people helps the most. I'd try maybe just going out on your own and taking small steps, sticking to NoFap may eventually help you to socialize better so try keep that in mind. There's a lot of people on here who can help and you're not alone in struggling to quit. Good luck mate!!
    Overfloweth likes this.
  15. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support.It means a lot know that I am not alone in this.Can someone explain to me what is flat line?What do you experience during one?
  16. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    Flatline is when your libido hits zero, you may struggle getting erections and start panicking and a lot of people end up going back to porn cause they worry that they won't be able to get an erection again. It is probably one of the most difficult challenges during a reboot but it can make or break results so the important thing is to get through it without turning back to porn and knowing that it won't last. Most people report that when flatline ends they feel incredible and start to see these "superpowers" a lot of Fapstronauts talk about.
    luskos likes this.
  17. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    Kind of having one.My libido is lower than before.I guess that's even better now.Expecting the first real urge, that's from my previous experience.I think i'm breaking the habbit, or at least i hope so.Today felt very frustrated trying to fix my old phone, failed to do so and even make it worse.I thought to relieve the stress as usual, but i also reminded myself that this is not the lifestile i want.Everytime that i'm in this kind of situation i enter fapmode and can't stop myself and i don't know what saved the day.
  18. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    I feel like I'm on one today to be honest but that can't be right cause it only been nearly 3 days lol that's good bro, stick to it and try not to worry about flatline. Should stop after a while.
  19. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    Another negative feature i found disturbing is fantasizing a lot and repeating diferent outcoms of situations in my head.Can't really live in the present moment but either going in the future or diging in the past.Neither is helping, today i bought a book about positive thinking at the airport.Had plenty of time to read it so i finished it before i even left.This is some kind of success i guess.I think i should give it another read soon and focus on the excersize described inside because as it seems i am very negative person.Probably not a bad person, or at least try not to be, but very negative.
    I have to appologize about using this thread as a personal log but i am still not confident enough to write anywhere else.I hope the effects of nofap to kick in.I'm hoping mostly for the superpower that will cure the anxiety, or at least make it better.Cold showers was on a halt until now mainly because i was in a foreign country and wasn't sure how the climate will affect me if i stress my body in such a way.Few days ago i have noticed my badge and scrolling trough the messages noticed the one from day 8, now is day 17.Usually i stress a lot about time, but now didn't even noticed when it fly by.Thank you for the support!Stay strong and be well!
    Overfloweth likes this.
  20. Overfloweth

    Overfloweth Fapstronaut

    Awesome achievement my friend.

    You mentioned apologising for using your forum as a personal log...but that's exactly what it should be brother :) At least for me anyway...it allowed me to get my own thoughts, feelings, emotions and realisations out and in the open..it allows me to reflect on my recovery experiences as they unfolded and learn more about my self. From your posts, it seems you're having insights too that maybe you didn't notice before due to addictive behaviours. I also think our addictions thrive in secrecy so sharing with likeminded people has a powerful healing quality too. Good luck bro. Keep going :)
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
    Fourtyeight likes this.